❣️ 18 ❣️

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.. Unedited..


Salaam Ammi...I said as I walk into her room...

Wa alaikumussalam Azeezati... My mother figure said to me ..

Ammi ..you sent for me...

Yes dear... today is your day in ..sakina and farha told you about it yeah....

Yes Ammi...

Okay then...


But....she said rather questioning...


Yes...that's why I called you actually... Huda will be in his room...go ask for his permission to take the day off...he's aware already...buh you must obey the ethics of work...always seek permission...

Okay Ammi...I said nd left for the male section immediately...this is literally the first time I'm going to the male section.....

Assalamualaikum I say as I enter the large living room...

Wa alaikumussalam...ray replied...

Ina kwana ya Rayyan...

Lfy ...ykk


This one that I'm seeing you here ...I hope I'm safe...

No..I came to kidnap you Ray...

I said it... unfortunately you can't kidnap me...

What makes you think so...Mr Rayyan....well... I'll get back to you...for now..Ina Mr Huda yake...

Yana dakin shi....

Ina dakin yake...I asked

Shine na karshen...

Toh shikenan...nagode sossai..

Ba matsala...he said with a cute smile plastered on his face...

Me being me....I barged into the room without knocking... stupid gurl...I cursed myself for not taking to correction...as ethical as Chandra was...if she finds out I still barge into people's rooms without knocking she'll definitely be angry at me...buh what to do...the deed has been done ....

Woah...his room is really large ..it has a king sized bed laid with blue bedsheet...a large black duvet was placed on the bed...5 blue and black pillows were placed neatly on the bed....the head board and the bedside drawers are black...each drawer has a blue lamp on it...the black vanity table was filled with perfumes of different sizes ..there are two blue sofas and a black rug...the wall was painted blue with splashes of black..the blue and black curtains hung comfortably on the wall...there was a study at one edge of the room... everything in that room was mostly blue_black...

I turned to the direction of the closet just for my eyes to meet his glaring ones ...I almost flinched....who does that...I wonder for how long he has been standing there......

She dares...he said arching his brows...

She dares enter my room that too without knocking..wow ms Eeman....well...if you're done ogling...you can tell me the purpose of your visit...

Umm... Ina kwana...(He didn't reply so I just carried on)... actually...Ammi...I.... actually...I spluttered...

You can take the day off...he said cutting me short...buh ... first of all...what's your reason for taking the day off..be fast about it...

Umm...day in...

You may leave...

Thank you....I said nd literally ran out of the room before he asks me another question...

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