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.. Nabeelah..

Second day at work...

Thankfully I reached the parking lot before Mr Huda ...I was going through my wattpad when I realized one of my favorite books "mine" by _ilovetoread-has been updated.. just in time to dive in to see how Rumaisa's reaction on Hamida and Umar kashims  sudden wedding will be.... His crazy cologne filled the atmosphere of informing me of  his arrival

Good morning Mr Huda..I said after logging out of my Wattpad..

Get in miss eeman, we're getting late for an xtent important meeting...he said ignoring my greetings..

Did he just ignore me? Well I don't care...

The drive was as short as the previous day's..nd trust me..am so glad about that..

_. _. _. _.

Immediately after my dua,I left for the cafeteria,made the coffee,returned to the office,barged into his office, dropped the coffee nd went back to my office.... abi my seat ...anyone sef.. definitely not missing the daggers And spears he sent my way...not because I was late buh because I didn't knock before entering the office..it's not like I want to piss him off o (I dare not)...it's just that ... foolishly,I always forget to knock..

I finished all my work and we went for the meeting..I really didn't understand a single piece of information from that meeting well apart from stocks, shares nd what not...

Guyy I literally zoned out.. coming back in zone,I saw everyone leaving the conference room... leaving just Mr Huda,the head of the investors,nd I there..at that moment,I got myself outta the room immediately...

I don't know what they talked about but whatever it is really changed Mr Huda's mood...coz his face spelt "worry"...well so I guess...

Let's go home NOW..he thundered with emphatic stress on the "now"

(Of course boss,who m I to object?)

$. $. $. $. $.
What a short drive... Alhamdulillah the girls were not in my room...I rushed to my bathroom,had a refreshing bath,performed wudhu,prayed nd left in search of what to eat...I ate,prayed maghrib, recited my Quran, prayed isha and drifted off to sleep....

&. &. &. &. &.
Day 3-5

I always reached the parking lot before Mr Huda,always delivered his coffee on time, even though I never knocked before entering..I never slept at work..always finished my work on time...buh we always had series of meetings to attend so we always closed late from work..I always met food in my room which I am very much aware was kept by sak nd farr...I haven't seen Ray ever since I started work...I never got to thank sak and farr for the food nd I always slept off immediately after ishaa ...m just getting all worked up...

So.. thank God it's Sunday 🤪🤪..yhh my day 5 at work was Saturday ..I know rii.. Saturday is actually part of our working days..thank God Sunday is not part of the working days...at least.. Mr Huda hasn't said anything about it yet...

  I woke up early coz I planned for the day.. spending the whole day with bby and honey, apologize for not checking up on them and thank them for the food..

I decided to go get us some chocolate from the kitchen..buh  on reaching the living room, I saw sak and farr bickering about what only God knows..

Namaste lovelies..I said with a grin plastered on my face..

.. woah.. earth to the queen of India her highness ,empress Nabeelah Eeman Muhammad kabeer... who has decided to grace us with her presence...sak said dramatically

Hail her..hail her..far replied...

I feel so honored to have an empress in my living room..sak said

Mutual feeling mate..farr said??

C'mon gurls..m sorry...am really very sorry..m sorry for not reaching out..m sorry for not checking up..av been busy...Dan Allah kuyi hakuri..

Just 1 week nd you've almost forgotten us ...in ya Kai wata Daya, kawai shikenan...(translate for me💟)....farr said..

Haba honey..m sorry..wlh..I didn't forget you girls...it's just that I always come back late..

Amma kin che your work will not make you forget us...sak cooed...

Haba sakibby...ban manta da ku ba(I didn't forget you)..kawai..lokacin ne Babu (it's just that there's no time)...we always came back late nd I always slept early..

Toh ..ba problem..just don't get yourself too worked up okay?..far advised

Yes ma'am..so..m I forgiven?

Sure..we were just feigning hurt  y'know..sak voiced

Thanks girls..

Sure..farr said

So..what were you girls bickering about?

Umm ...day in..farr said


Day inn..sak hollered

Nd. What. Is. That?. ..

Oooo..we forgot to tell you..one in every four months, we observe our day in and day out..sak explained

Wow....so when is it?...I asked

Next week Saturday..they chorused

Wow..can't wait..buh what happens on the day in?..I questioned..

You're gonna find out on that day..farr replied

Nd when is the day out?..

A week after the day in..farrs birthday..sak squealed

Awwwwn 🤭🤭...I really can't...my phone rang cutting me off...twas an unknown number so I made sure the phone was on speaker...

Do you realize I have been waiting for you for the past 30 minutes?...he questioned making me realize who the caller is..MR HUDA

To..day..is...su...n...day..I managed to say

Nd says there's no work on Sunday... listen...I am the boss here nd I decide when nd when not to go to work...understood?...


Listen..the earlier the better for you...(he said and hung up)...

Bye gurls...m sorry... he's waiting for me...

Byee...they chorused...

Hey fams . . .it's been long fa .. ommooo..

Anyhow sha... update will not be flowing well sha. .for now. .. please bear with me...

I know this Chappie ain't dat interesting buh d next three Chappies re gonna be💯💯💯

Please anticipate🤭😁

Please show me love

U see dat star button .. please help me to press it...

Help me to comment.

Nd please follow up
Ailuv y'all 😍


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