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.. Unedited..


I received a call from Ammi yesterday....she gave me a kinda bad news...I'll be getting a personal Assistant...buh...she actually asked if I am okay with it ....and I said yes

Why did I even say yes...

Because Ammi Always wants the best for me...

So...it's the girl from the hospital...Nabeelah..well she's been living with us... I've got no comments about her...since I've not really had an encounter with her....well except the day she bumped into me...I was actually having a rough day so...I behaved kinda cold to her...well...so I guess...

Any which way... she's going to be my personal Assistant..so...I just hope she'll last longer than the others.....I literally haven't had a PA for almost two years now...and I am okay with it...I mean....I already have a secretary...why do I need a personal Assistant.....I fired my last PA....coz he always forgets the measurement of milk and sugar for my coffee...(weird right?)

I just hate repeating orders...I mean...I am the boss here...so my orders should stick to my employees brain...that asides... she'll be arriving any moment from now briefing on her job.....

✓. ✓. ✓. ✓. ✓.

Assalamualaikum ya Huda...she said as she stepped into my office..

Huda...sir...I retorted...
Wa alaikis salam...I added

Ammi asked me to.....she started

I know...I said cutting her short(I hate explanations on what I already know...well... except I ask for one)...sit...I said pointing at one of the swivel chairs in front of my desk...and she sat..
First of all...you shouldn't be informal...this is an office,not the A_B_Jalals mansion...
You are to address me as Mr Abduljalal..or Huda sir...

Your desk is right in front of the office...I am sure you saw it on your way here...You must knock before entering my office...You are to accompany me to any meeting I am attending...I'll be the one bringing you to work..so..you must not exceed 7:15 am in your room...Every morning,at exactly 15 minutes after our arrival,you must bring me a cup of coffee.....the measurement must stick to your brain...a teaspoon of milk and half cube of sugar...if there is any other thing....you'll find out with time..

Am I understood? Miss Eeman...

Nabeelah...she corrected
Yes mr Huda...she added

What audacity...no one dares call me mr Huda...it's either Mr Abduljalal or Huda sir...ND I won't take it from her...

Miss Eeman....it's Huda sir...

My name is Nabeelah....mr Huda...

And why is she being so stubborn...she didn't even budge to my corrections....

Listen.....I am the boss here...so I choose what to call you....okay...

Fine Mr Huda...she said with an evil smirk planted on her face

Wow...she's really stubborn...and I am so...in for this game...no one acts this  way towards Huda Abduljalal Ibrahim...buh it seems she's ready to play ...and I'll gladly accept her  as my guest ...

If you permit me ,I'll be on my way mr Huda...she said

Sure miss Eeman ....

Thank you...Nabeelah she corrected and stood up to leave....

Miss Eeman....I called..
You'll be resuming tomorrow..okay?

Yes mr Huda...she said ND exited the office...

Ommooo...no dogon turanci...

Amma this girl is stubborn fah....

Toh drama ya fara

See ya❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

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