The Artifact

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Safiya finally opens the artifact and swaps the head. The clowns all fall and dissipate into dark clouds. Teala layed limp on the wheel, dead from the blood loss. "No!" MatPat screamed, diassapointed in his loss.

MatPat: I've lost. I've failed her.

"I did it. Okay." Safiya said, heart pounding at the events that occured. "Guys, I'm still tied up." Richard said, lifting his arms as much as he could to show his point. MatPat ran over to Richard, followed by Calliope. Safiya gave mortimer the box while she kept the note.

Safiya: Mat and Calliope and Mortimer untie Richard, and we get out of there as fast as we can.

They pass the ferris wheel when Richard spots Blueberry. "Wait, hold on." Richard said to them as he ran to the dog. "What are you doing, we need to go!" Safiya exclaimed at the man, "I made a promise and I'm keeping it!" Richard yelled back. He grabbed the dog and ran back to the group, them all walking back to the arcade.

The guests sit on the couch when they see MatPat, Safiya, Calliope, and Mortimer walk in. Richard walks in last as everyone questions what happened. "Teala's dead. They killed her." Mortimer solumnly said as Richard walked to Ro and handed her Blueberry, "I've made two promises, and I've completed both." he says to her before sitting down, she hands him back Braig afterward.

Calliope holds one of Teala's cards and puts it through a slot of a box. The rest of the cards getting thrown away by the woman. Safiya gets up from the couch and grabs the box. "Alright, so this is our first of eight artifacts." she says before walking to the shelfs behind her couch, putting it in one of the cubbies.

Safiya: So we have one artifact cleansed, which is great, but I know that we have seven left, and that's a lot.

"I also found a note with the jack." Safiya annouces, grabbing and unfolding the note. "It says, 'Not everyone in town is telling the truth." Everyone looks around before Richard says, "What if... it's one of us."

Nikita: (Dramatic gasp) I mean, honestly, should I just tell the whole group that I'm not actually a blonde?

Escape the Night: Season 3 (My Way + Self-Insert OC)Where stories live. Discover now