The Circus Tent Challenge

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Teala, Richard, MatPat, and Safiya leave the couch and walk to Calliope. Richard pulls Braig out of his jacket and gives it to Ro. "I promise I'll come back." he said to her before joining the group.

"Come with me." Calliope said and they all walked out of the lounge, only 3 of the chosen would return. "Wait, before we go, one thing I wanna start doing."

Richard said. Calliope stopped as he went to hug Teala, he hugged her, then MatPat, then Safiya. "You could die soon, why?" MatPat asked. Richard's response was simple and heartwarming, "So that then their last memories of me before the challenge are a nice hug."

Richard's POV

We walked into a tent with a clown arch around the entrance. The leader laughed as we walked in, "I'm so jazzed you decided to show up! I love this goddamn game, gets me all wet inside. The first person through the four challenges wins." she says, laughing in between the sentences. 

Safiya: Even though the challenges don't look that easy, I'm thinking maybe Mat and I are on a little bit more even footing than I thought we would be.

MatPat: They take Teala and Richard and tie them up onto the stage, into one of those wonder wheels where they throw knives.

"Don't tie her too tight. She's coming with me." MatPat yelled to the clowns while pointing to Teala, I hope he only said that because he's helping Teala. "Oh, look at that- Mr. Hero over there." the lead clown said as Safiya pointed to me.

Safiya: So the first station is a "guess which cup the ball is in" station.

Both sides show the ball is in the middle cup before shifting the cup around. MatPat gets it first try and now he's... eating hot dogs? All I hope for is that Safiya can eat hot dogs like how Rexy ate the lawyer.

MatPat: Easy, no problem. Second one, though, on the other hand, eeh, a bit harder. You had to eat five hot dogs without any water. And the hot dogs were vegan.

"All right, pie me." Safiya said, failing the ball and cup station, heightening my fear of death.

Safiya: And my first guess is wrong, so I get a pie in the face.

All the clowns laugh as a pie is slammed into her face. "Come on, Safiya, you got this, you got this." I say. Please, don't let me die, don't f*ck it up Safiya, please. I turn to look at MatPat as he puts the condiments on his hot dogs. I look back at Safiya, she's done with the first and moves on to the hot dogs.

Safiya: So I basically start charging right in with the first hot dog, and I'm thinking, "How can I make it so that the bun isn't so dry that I just can't swallow anything?" And I'm like, "There's ketchup right here."

She shoves the first hot dog in her mouth and starts guzzling the ketchup. "Yes, Safiya, yes!" I yell out. The lead clown laughs and pointer her knife at Safiya, "I like her!" she yells out, "Me too." I reply.

Richard: I am so impressed by Safiya. I'm wondering, did she participate in a hot dog eating competition 'cause damn! She's ripping through them like no tomorrow.

Teala: So Mat has the upper hand, but Sofia's, like, attacking the dogs. She's squirting ketchup down her throat, I think she finished the ketchup bottle. (A/N: Sofia who?)

"Hey, door mat, which hot dog are you on? Number one?" the lead clown asks before laughing. "Two, actually, thank you." MatPat snarkily replies.

MatPat: It is hard to get them down. I am more than comfortable putting loads of meat in my mouth. I was excited, but it is so dry.

The clowns chant for MatPat to throw up the hot dog in his mouth. Safiya finishes hers while MatPat pukes out what he just ate. She moves right on to challenge three, a... chicken flinging challenge?

Richard: I went from feeling super uneasy about this challenge and feeling like I might just die tonight to feeling pretty confident I'll make it out alive.

Safiya: The second-to-last competition is basically like catapulting a rubber chicken into a basket.

"Stomp on it!" I yelled before Safiya did as I said. The chicken was flung... onto the floor. "Ah, you were so close!" I yell out, "Keep chewing, keep chewing!" Teala yells to MatPat. "Whoo! Did it." MatPat yells out, finally moving on to the chicken flinging contest.

MatPat: Never again. I will never touch another hot dog again.

It is now neck and neck. Teala's cheering for Mat, and I'm cheering for Safiya. Somebody will lose, I'm just hoping it's not me. Safiya launches the chicken into the basket. Everyone either cheers or shouts in frustration, Safiya pointing to the basket, surprised she did it. The last challenge is a simple carnival "Hit all the bottles" game.

Safiya: And then the last challenge is a "knock them down" challenge. I am not usually that good at this type of game, but I think my practice earlier is actually helping right now.

"S A F! I Y A! What's that spell? Safiya! Yay!" I shout like a cheerleader as she knocks the bottles down. The final bottle goes down and the box holding the jack opens. I live! But, that means...

Teala's POV

Sofia knocks down all the bottles and the box opens. Mat failed, I'm gonna die. All the clowns laugh and shout. I'm gonna die, and they're laughing and shouting. I see Sofia grab the box and she cranks it as fast as she can.

"We have a winner!" The leader screams followed by cheering and laughing. I see Mat looks shocked and disappointed in himself. "And better yet- a loser!" the leader screams before running to me.

She stabs me six times in my gut, the more stabs, the quicker I die. All I'm thinking of is Mat seeming so disappointed in himself that he lost and that hug Richard gave before we went to the tent.

He was right, that was a nice memory. He was nice. I... feel so tired.

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