The Escape

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A/N: I will include the intro in every episode, so know that when you see an intro, we move on from episode to episode. Also, something with the intro will spoil something. If you aren't my friend who has been told, and you figure it out, don't spoil it to other readers, it will ruin the fun. Enjoy the ride

The intro begins to play. The moon shines over a bird's eye view of the town. Teala and Nikita are shown tied to the merry-go-round as High Tower and Sally Slaughter are about to slam their weapons into them. JC is tied to a wonder wheel as the lead clown throws a knife narrowly missing him. MatPat is shown running from the funhouse before showing Roi narrowly missing being chomped by the jaws. Safiya and Manny are shown chained and trying to run from The Carnival Master, who holds their chains as the Demon Dog is by his side. Richard is shown in front of the graveyard holding a sharpened stick, Ro is then quickly shown running from something unseen before panning to Joey, standing in the middle of the town handing the camera a ticket.

Escape The Night

The merry-go-round continues to spin as the dice roll on the ground, "No! I don't like this! I don't like this! No! Oh, my God, stop! Stop!" Nikita screams as Richard tries to fight his gag reflex.

The dice stop and the clown announces the number, "8!" "Oh, my god!" Teala screams, in a mixture of the merry-go-round and the shock of seeing all the clowns point to Nikita, thus telling her that Nikita=8.

Nikita: So, we're spinning round and round and round, and they're all pointing at me to be killed. And I'm thinking, "Oh, my God, of course. They're gonna kill the pretty one."

"You're all gonna die!" Sally Slaughter screamed as the merry-go-round kept spinning and spinning.

Teala: Like, I'm over spinning. I don't like it. It makes me nauseous and dizzy.

Richard: So, we're all spinning, the clowns are gonna kill Nikita, and a motorcycle shows up. And who's the white knight on the mechanical horse, it's mother, f*cking. Mortimer.

Mortimer rides his motorcycle to the merry-go-round and shoots the leader in the hand, causing her to drop her knife and run. Everyone screams his name in happiness over their savior. He drives into a building as the other clowns wait for him to pop out.

Roi: I think Mortimer is a good guy now. I'm a huge fan of Mortimer.

Mortimer heads out of the building before taking off and throwing his helmet at a clown. He pulls back out his gun and shoots in the direction of the clowns causing them to run in fear. Calliope runs from somewhere and throws something at the clowns that explodes. 

Everyone shouts and cheers for Mortimer before he and Calliope run to everyone and start untying them. Everyone gets untied and hugs each other, thankful they are alive, except for Richard. He, instead, runs over to Safiya and gets her untied.

Rosanna: I'm making a run for it. I look down, I see these dice, I'm like, "I better take these. These could be something."

"Get inside, get inside." "Come on, hurry." Both Joey and Mortimer say, respectfully, leading the group to the arcade. 

Joey: So I definitely had my doubts about Mortimer and Calliope, but the fact that they're both helping us and rescuing us makes me trust them a little bit more.

"OK, we're good? Everything good?" Manny asks the group as Mortimer leans to Calliope, "So it looks like we're in this together, huh?" he cockily asks. Calliope slowly turns to him, "Sure looks like it, pretty boy." she says, her response dripping with the essence of 'I'm done with your shit.'

Safiya: So, after all the chaos of being tied to this carousel, at least now we know sort of what we have to do to get rid of these clowns.

Manny: In order to defeat the clowns and make them go away, we have to cleanse this artifact, right? And the jack-in-the-box is the clown's artifact.

Safiya: So we've got a key, a journal, and also the dice that the clowns had. How do we put these things together to help us figure out what to do next?

Escape the Night: Season 3 (My Way + Self-Insert OC)Where stories live. Discover now