A Woman Who Wants For Nothing

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  “Howdy, y’all.” Hae dropped into a squat next to the fence. “How’s everyone holdin’ up?”

     “Passably, what with being prisoners and all,” a man with a shaved head grumbled. He was squatting with three other men in the muddy, churned up snow.

    “Don’t worry!” Hae chirped, totally not talking to them, since that was against the Commands. “Korea’ll be here to save us soon, then everythin’ will be right as rain. So just keep your heads up!”

    The men all smiled at her, like people usually did when Korea brought her ‘round to talk to them.

    Not many of her people were out in the yards today. There had been less of them lately she thought, despite there still being too many. She wasn’t sure if that should worry her or make her relieved. Did that mean most of their soldiers were still with Korea? Where? Was he okay? She hoped he wasn’t lonely.

     “Thanks, Comrade South Hwanghae,” another said, scratching at the birth mark on his cheek. “We will.”

    “Sorry ah din’t bring any more mandu,” Hae said, wanting to explain her empty-handedness. “Ah haven’t been brought any.”

      The fake still hadn’t visited. That scared Hae a li’l. If America hadn’t been lyin’ about him not wanting to talk to her anymore, maybe he hadn’t been lying about him wanting to punish her either. She had decided that if the false one was the type to lock her up, it didn’t mean Korea was wrong. It just meant he was lacking information. She’d tell him everything America had said, then she’d wait for him to give her an update on whether or not the imposter was good.

     But it didn’t matter, because the Southern One wouldn’t win anyways. Korea was on his way. She just knew it.

     “These bastards are right stingy with the rations, aren’t they?” Shaved Head snorted. “You think since an Imperialist is pumping then full of supplies, they could spare more than barley.”

    Hae giggled, nodding. Then the men looked behind her and jumped up, the one with grey eyes saying tensely, “Comrade South Hwanghae.”

      Hae turned, then scrabbled up as America approached.

      “Howdy!” she greeted, like she hadn’t been caught sneaking away again.

      This time had involved very good timing as her guard had turned to do that things guys did where they peed on a wall. SH said they were ‘marking their territory.’ Hae thought that was a li’l rude- it was her prison house he was marking. If anything, it was her territory, and she had the bucket to prove it. That’s what she’d been thinking of, not of not being allowed to run away, as she skipped merrily towards the yards.

     “Well well, look who’s out n’ about.” At least America didn’t look like he was going to hurt her for it. He had his hands in his pockets.

      Oh! But Korea said that was how people pretended they weren’t going to git you before they got you. Hae would stay vigilant.

     “Did ah hear that some of our guests ain’t eatin’ as well as they could be?” America asked, reaching into a bag he had with him. “Well that just won’t do. Looks like you folks need some good ole American hospitality.” He pulled out a can with a blue label and a picture of a pink… clump on it. “Is anyone in the mood for some Special Army Meat?”

     “We don’t need anything from invaders,” the fourth man said stonily. His head was swathed in bandages, covering one eye. Hae wondered if he’d lost it like Korea had, but had thought it would be rude to ask.

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