Chapter 10 - Public Relations Disaster

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Moments turned into hours as I waited, gut twisting with annoyance. What the blazes was taking so long? I picked up the crystal decanter to pour myself another drink, but then returned it to the glass table. Getting drunk wouldn't help anything.

A beep from the tablet-viewer propped up on my desk made me flinch. Freezing, I held my breath — was it the expected update? But I blew out the breath and the annoyance returned when a female voice said, "Sir, your appointment--"

"Cancel it, Cerese," I shouted.

"What do I tell them?"

"Tell them I have more important things to do," I growled. "Now leave me alone!"

"Yes, sir."

This was much more important. My career, and maybe my life, was on the line.

Another beep captured my attention, and this time, it was not Cerese bothering me. Rushing to my antique wooden desk, I tapped the green button on my viewer to accept the incoming secure message. Gideon Lief appeared as a flickering hologram before the desk.

"Mr. Lief," I said, raising an expectant eyebrow.

The grin that rose on his face, something rare for the stoic man, gave me hope. "We have them," he reported.

I clapped my hands and smiled in return. "Wonderful news, Mr. Lief, wonderful. Were there any problems? Have you taken the appropriate precautions?"

"No problems, sir. And we have Avia sedated within a faraday cage. She will not hinder our journey. Should we bring them to you?"

"No," I answered, shaking my head. "Take them back to the Coronis research station. I'll meet you there. If this Avia will not willingly return what was stolen, there are those there who can take it from her."

"On that front, there was a development, sir," Gideon said. "Avia has developed an affection for your nephew. It helped us in her capture, and you may leverage it to ensure her cooperation."

"Yes, a vulnerability we might exploit. Anything else, Mr. Lief?"

"Just one thing. We intercepted the corporate documents that Zachary intended to make public and neutralized the blogger."

A smile grew wide on my face. "Splendid, Mr. Lief! And did you plant the passive tracker on Zachary's ship like I asked?"

"Yes, sir, but that seems redundant now."

"Likely so, but in our line of work, we must consider contingencies. You have done well, Mr. Lief, and will be appropriately rewarded."

With a mock salute, Gideon's image disappeared. My spirit lifted as I leaned back in my desk chair. Finally, fate turned my way, and soon, I would achieve the greatness I deserved.

Touching my tablet again, I said, "Cerese, have my ship readied for immediate departure."


Two days into the journey, my invigorating elation came crashing down like a streaking meteor, rage flaring in its place.

"Idiots!" I shouted to the empty starship lounge, spiking a crystal decanter against the far bulkhead, shattering into shards and coating the wall and deck with amber liqueur.

Eight sensitive corporate documents landed in the Federation info-web and spread like a supernova, detailing Project Asclepius, including the brain altering aspects. And four carried my name at the bottom. This was a public relations disaster.

Cerese poked her red-haired head in the open hatch, eyes widened. "Sir?"

"Get Gideon Lief on the com!" I growled, snarling. Then I pointed at the shattered decanter. "And clean up this mess."

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