NSFW Alphabet with Stone

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Someone asked for smutty Stone shit, and goddamnit, someone is getting smutty Stone shit.
Aftercare: he will clean you up and cuddle you, but he will only fall asleep once you are... SO SLEEP!

Body Part: His favorite body part of yours is your mouth. There are a lot of things he can do with a mouth...
His favorite body part of himself is his hands. He loves the power he has with them.

Cum: he will cum anywhere on you. He will cum in your mouth, on your stomach, on your thighs, hell, if you give him permission, he'll cum inside you.

Dirty secret: He wants to see you in a slutty bunny outfit. Everytime he imagines it, he gets hard and has to find you.

Experience: He is pretty inexperienced, but that doesn't matter. After the first few times, he is a master at it, and it doesn't matter what position, he can do it.

Favorite position: I already did this, I'm not doing it again, go read the Favorite Position chapter

Goofy: he is pretty serious during sex, but he doesn't mind if you crack a joke

Hair: this bitch can barely afford alcohol, much less a razor. The carpet matches the drapes.

Intimacy: he is pretty intimate during sex

Jack off: he doesn't masterbate, I mean, why would he need to when you are there to fuck instead?

Kink: the question isn't "What kinks does he have?", the question is "what kinks doesn't he have?". He doesn't like anything point with piss or feces (you nasties), but basically everything else is on the table.

Location: in the alley. Thats where he sleeps, so that's where he fucks.

Motivation: he LOVES to see you in his clothes. If you are wearing his jacket or something, you are gone, your pussy (or bussy) is demolished.

No: again, he wouldn't do anything with piss or fecal matter, and he wouldn't go past y'all's safe word.

Oral: he likes to receive it, but he is a master with giving it.

Pace: Either fast and rough, or slow and sensual, there is no in-between.

Quickie: Yeah, if he feels the need to fuck you, but you guys don't really have time, quickies are always an option

Risk: bitch, this man fucks you in an alley. He takes risks.

Stamina: it depends if he is tired or not. If he is tired, two rounds max. If he isn't though, he can last all night.

Toys: if he could afford them, then he would use them. But he can't. So he doesn't.

Unfair: this man will tease you to no END! He overstims you just to deny your orgasm. He is fucking cruel in bed.

Volume: I will admit, this man does moan and whimper like no tomorrow.

X-ray: I'm not gonna be like one of those bitches who say "Oh, he's 15 inches long!", naw, I'ma be realistic. 7 inches. Take it or leave it.

Wildcard: he is willing to have a foursome with Vinnie and Skipp

Yearning: pretty high sex drive, but not too much to where you can't handle it

Zzz: he only falls asleep after you do. So, for the final time... GO TO SLEEP, YOU SIMPS >:[

This took me three days to finish. Be lucky that I love you guys.

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