What if you wanted to show them your singing voice?

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(ik I kinda already did this with the instruments, but someone requested this, so here you go! Also, Play It Again by Luke Bryan is playing as I write this, and it is so fitting lol)

Stone: when he heard you, he thought that Maggot came back, because it sounded like an angel's chorus. But it was you. He would sit next to you, and play his violin with your singing. Those two sounds together, just *chefs kiss*

Vinnie: she didn't believe her ears at first. At first she would be in wonderment, but after the initial shock, she would have you sing on the street for money. And you would earn money. A lot of it.

Skipp: he would be blown away! This poor boy would be feeling so many feeling just at the sound of your voice. Ifs it's a happy song that yours singing, he would be overjoyed. But if it's a sad song... He would be crying. And yes, you do sing him lullabies to sleep.

Ditch: He thought that someone was playing a prank on him at first. Like you were wearing a speaker. But when he realized that it was actually you singing, he would cuddle you and ask for an encore.

Pebble: he wouldn't be blown away. You sing in the shower, he already knew you had a gorgeous voice. But he would listen, and ask for another after another. Smiling when he saw you sing.

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