Vinnie Headcanons

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Someone asked for anything for Vinnie, so I delivered!

* She carries extra weapons on her, just in case you guys get into a fight with some tough folks, so you have something extra for defense/offense!

* If you are female, she will always carry feminine products, just in case!

* (My personal headcanon, I do not know if this is canon, don't quote me on this) Pan queen! She don't care if you are Male, female, trans, cis, nonbinary, genderfluid, or anything inbetween! She loves you for you!

Zombie Apocalypse AU!

* She will actually survive, surprisingly, since she uses melee weapons close to the infected!

* She will be devastated if anyone turns into a zombie that she cares about, especially you!

* So she nearly cried out in grief when you got infected!

* She blamed herself, thinking that she wasn't being careful enough, that she should have protected you!

* She will keep you like a pet though, no matter if you try and attacking her!

* You have to stay with her, so you don't get attacked by anyone else surviving in the world!

Royal AU!

* You won't catch the little gremlin for a while, but eventually you caught her; she was digging in the pantry.

* You caught her as she was stuffing her face, and she was shocked that you actually caught her!

* She was even more surprised that you smiled and handed her more food!

* From them on, she stayed with you, clutching to you like a lost puppy!

* She stayed in one of the many guest bedrooms (it's a castle, there's plenty of room lol)

* You do have to hose her down though, as she refuses to bathe.

* You will get ridiculed for opening up your house to a peasant, but you could care less!

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