Aap Sahil Bhaiyya Ho Na?

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After reaching home Raghav observes that Sneha is lost in some thought since they have left the hospital. He earlier thought that maybe she was worried about Isha but if everything was normal why was she worried? After a while, he again observes that this is not about Isha. He now goes to confront her.

"Sneha, come here. Sit."

She comes and sits beside him on the sofa. She was still lost in her thoughts.

"What happened Sneha? Why are you so lost in your thoughts? I have been seeing you since we were coming back. What is bothering you? What are the thoughts that are troubling you?"

"No, nothing is troubling me. I am just wondering if I know Sahil Rajda. Like I have not seen him before. Though, we live in the same locality. I have never seen him. But this name sounds familiar to me. I am trying my best to recollect but I can't."

"Oh god again the same story I have heard your name but I don't know where." Raghav laughs and teases Sneha.

"Now where did you hear his name?"

"If I had known why would I be thinking about it? Anyway forget that topic I'll ask him when we meet him in the evening. I am going to pick up Raha from her playschool. After I come back we will have our lunch together."

"Okay you go and get her till the time I'll prepare the dining table."

Sneha goes on to pick Raha. They come back home and Raghav, Sneha and Raha have their lunch. Till the time Sneha finishes off her chores, Raghav puts Raha to sleep. Raha sleeps and meanwhile Sneha has finished everything. Raghav and Sneha are now sitting on a sofa and discussing what should they gift Isha for her birthday.

"I am totally blank Raghav I don't even know her well what can we get? Also they have invited us for dinner so we need to get something accordingly."

"Yes even I was thinking the same. May be lets get something from the Kitchen set."

"No not kitchen set. It's very common. Let me think. Ummm let's do one thing, let's get some showpiece or something."

"But we don't really know how acceptable that will be. I suppose some dinner set or something is a good idea."

"This is her birthday gift, not a housewarming gift. Think of something better." Sneha is now irritated since she is not able to think.

"Okay lets do one thing. Cliche is the idea. We'll get some flowers and a card." Raghav is now tired of thinking of anything else.

"Though I am not at all impressed but only this sounds better at this moment. Anyway I am going to sleep now. I am already tired. Let me get some rest before Raha wakes up." 

In the evening they get ready, grab some flowers and a card before they reach Isha and Sahil's house. Sahil has thrown a small yet great party for his wife. Raghav and Sneha are already impressed. They enter in and meet Isha and Sahil. Sahil asks Sneha to join Isha and takes Raghav along with him to introduce to his friends.

"Guys this is Raghav. Raghav Suryawanshi. He works in Realty Infos as of now and I am hoping to see him soon in my team at Skippers. But this is not his only introduction, he is a very good and gentleman. In fact he is the one who took Sneha to the hospital today."

Raghav shies a bit and greets everyone. All the men are having talk over drinks while the women are having their own fun chitchatting and having some starters. Sneha meets Isha and hands over the flowers and card to her.

"Oh Sneha why so much of formality. This wasn't needed at all. In fact you and Raghav already gave me my gift in the morning it self by being with me in my hard time."

"It was needed Isha. Come on it is your 35th birthday how do you think we would have come empty handed? Take them please. Also how is you knee? Did you take your medicines well?"

"Oh yes I did. The pain still persists but I hope may be I'll feel better by tomorrow. Come I'll introduce you to my other friends."

Isha takes Sneha along to introduce her. Sneha is in love with the way Isha has decorated her house. It was very simple and subtle yet very attractive. It had positive and welcoming vibes.

"Isha your house is so beautiful. Can I please have a look?"

"Of course Sneha. In fact come with me I'll show you."

Sneha goes with Isha to see their house. As soon as they enter  Isha's bedroom, there are few photo frames on the wall. These include various photos, some new some old. Isha shows them to Sneha.

"This frame is from my childhood. These were my friends from our neighborhood and my cousins. We clicked this during our vacations. And this is Sahil and his childhood friends in Delhi. This is our first picture together when our wedding was fixed. This was on our first wedding anniversary. This was when I was expecting and yes these are my kids Nikhil and Nisha when they were 1 and this one we got few months back."

Sneha is in an aww seeing all those pictures. She decides to take closer glance at all those once again only to realise that she was also present in Sahil's childhood frame. She couldn't believe her eyes. She takes another closer glance only to realise it was her only and then she remembers who Sahil was. She tells Isha about the same and even Isha finds it unbelievable. They both come back to the drawing room to tell Raghav and Sahil about the same.

"Sahil, see what Sneha has to tell you. She says she is also present in your childhood picture."

"Is it Sneha? Like how come you were present in them? I had taken them back in Delhi when was Dad was posted there."

"Yes Sahil Bhaiyya, I remember we had taken this picture just two days before uncle and you all shifted to Dehradoon from Delhi. I am the same Sneha who used to come to your house every evening to eat Dal Rice made by Supiya Aunty, the same Sneha whom you called Achar ki Barni."

"This is unbelievable. You are my Achar ki Barni." Sahil is emotional by now and so is Sneha.

"Yes bhaiyya I am your Achar ki Barni. After you left Delhi I used to cry everyday remembering you and Supriya Aunty. But unfortunately we had no contact and then life happened and these memories when back to shell."

"So true. Those were such beautiful days of our life. Never thought I'll ever be able meet my Achar ki Barni," saying this Sahil hugs Sneha. Both of them are very happy to have met each other after so long in their life.

Meanwhile Raghav and Isha along with others in the party are simply watching Sneha and Sahil reunite. 

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