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/wooyoung pov/

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/wooyoung pov/

It was Friday today. I got ready to go and meet my mother. I grabbed my phone and left the apartment. I went down by the stairs since the elevator was taking so long to come. I exited the building looking left and right to find a taxi. Should I tell San to drop me? Maybe he already left for work and asking him would be awkward since he has work and Im not that close to him... I finally see a taxi and run towards it. "Hey can you drop my to xx*** hospital?" The driver nods as I get in and they start driving.

We reach and I pay the driver while getting off and going in to the hospital straight to my mother's room. I enter the room and greet my mother. "Hello mom" I give her a hug while smiling and she does the same. "Hi woo, how are you?" She asks while cupping my face and kissing my forehead. "Great maa" I give her a wide smile. I actually was doing great, now that I left that shitty house and started a new life. "Did you get that apartment?" She asks and holds my hand. "Mhm I did, I made a new... Friend too". It was true though... He obviously only thinks of me as a friend so.. friends it is. "Oh that's great !" We talked for so long not realizing the time.

A knock was heard at the door and the nurse comes in. "Sorry, visiting time is over" I look at the time and it was already 8. I nod at the nurse as I give my mother another hug before leaving and say my goodbye. I leave the room and suddenly my phone starts ringing. I look over to see who it is and it's a call from yunho and I pick it up. "Hey yunho"

"Wooyoung, are you free?"

"Yeah... What's up?"

'great where are you?'

"Um.. at the hospital obviously, today's Friday"

'alright stay there, me and the other's are coming to pick you up'

"Why? What happened?"

'oh nothing we are all going to the club'

"Okay I'll wait"
'byee see you soon' he ends the call and I just go and sit on the bench outside waiting for them.
Soon enough I see their car and go sit in the backseat with yunho and yeosang and I greet everyone. Hongjoong and seonghwa were sitting Infront.

/Author pov/

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/Author pov/

Wooyoung and the others reached the club and went inside. Hongjoong already had booked a table and ordered some drinks. "Be careful, don't drink too much guys. Especially you." Seonghwa glares at wooyoung and he chuckles. "Relax I'm not a baby" wooyoung rolls his eyes in sarcasm and takes a sip from the drink.
Seonghwa himself was drinking a lot and everyone just laughed at the fact that hongjoong had to take care of the drunkard. "Alright babe, that's enough" hongjoong takes the glass away from seonghwa. "Noo~" seonghwa tried to take the glass from hongjoong's hand but fails and pouts. "Hes the real baby when he's drunk" yeosang says as everyone laughs. "Woah wooyoung.. aren't you drinking more then your usual limit." Everyone looks at wooyoung who was about to order another glass. "All I can say is, I'm not gonna be the one to take this one to his home" yeosang laughs while pointing to wooyoung.
"Why can't San be mine~" wooyoung says while looking at everyone with a pout and then keeping his head down on the table. The others couldn't help but awe at the younger one who was hurt over his first love. "I can't even compare myself to all the other people he dated.... They are all so pretty.. why would he choose me.. after all I'm just a friend to him~" wooyoung says while having tears in his eyes.. who knew wooyoung was like this when he falls Inlove with someone. "Dont think like that, if its not that San guy.. it's gonna be someone else for sure." Yunho says rubbing wooyoung's back giving him comfort. "I only want it to be him though~" wooyoung whines and hugs yunho. Yunho looks at yeosang and hongjoong who were just laughing.

Soon the party was over and hongjoong, yunho and yeosang were taking care of wooyoung and seonghwa. They took them to the car and placed them safely in the back seat. Yunho sat with hongjoong who was driving in the front seat and yeosang was in the back with the other 2 drunkards.
They first dropped yunho at his house and then went to wooyoung's building. Yeosang took wooyoung out of the car and took him inside. He placed wooyoung on the couch and saw someone familiar standing Infront of the counter talking to someone, yeosang knew he was gonna regret doing this but whatever, he runs to him.

 He placed wooyoung on the couch and saw someone familiar standing Infront of the counter talking to someone, yeosang knew he was gonna regret doing this but whatever, he  runs to him

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/San pov/

I was talking to the lady at the counter when suddenly someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn to them on confusion. "Um hi... You might recognize me or might not.. I don't know but you see my friend there, you know him.." yeosang points to the drunk wooyoung laying on the couch with his head down and San looks at him in confusion. "You see, he drank a lot and no one in this building can take care of him but you, since you are his friend. Just please take him safely to his apartment and make him drink some water and make sure he takes medicine" I look blankly at the stranger who was, I guess wooyoung's friend. I nod at him and he leaves saying a thankyou. I go over to wooyoung who was sitting with his head down on his lap. "Hey" I pat him on his head and he looks up with glossy eyes and his face was all red. He was surely drunk. I laugh at the sight of the younger like this, he was just looking at me tilting his head in confusion. "Let's go" I say as i take his hand but he lets go. "Do I know you?~" he asks while staring right into my eyes and I chuckle. "I Guess you drank a lot, I'm San, your friend, remember?" I say as I hold his hand again and this time he doesn't let go. "mm... Your hot~" I smirk at his statement. "Yeah I know kiddo, your gonna regret what your saying when you sober up, c'mon let's go now" I take the little drunkard to the elevator. He suddenly falls onto me and I hold him. He backs away looking somewhere else and I chuckle. I realize that I don't know his apartment's number. "Hey what's your room number?" I ask the other as he looked at me then started thinking. "Uhmm.. I don't know~.." I sigh as he started looking down. I had no choice but to take him to my apartment.

We reach my apartment and I take him inside and place him on the sofa. "Where are we?~" he asks me looking around. "We are at my place, make yourself comfortable I'm gonna get some medicine for you to sober up." I go inside my room and come back with the medicine and I look at the other who was trying to stand up straight and I just laugh. "Here have this it'll help you sober up." I give him the medicine and he takes it making a disgusted face but then he looks at me. "Hyung.." I look over to the other.
"Are we close.. friends?.." he asks me looking down hoping for a answer. "Well yeah sure if u want" I reply and he smiles wide and sits back on the sofa. His smile is so pretty... I suddenly realize what im thinking about again and ignore my thoughts. Why does he suddenly go through my mind. "You can sleep in the guest room." He nods as he makes his way to the guest room and I go to mine.


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