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/San pov/

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/San pov/

It was 10:12 am right now. I was eating my breakfast and watching the tv. Today was Saturday so I really didn't have much to do other then work. I mostly free in the morning since I do my work at night. As I'm watching the tv my phone starts ringing. I pick it up to see that mingi is calling so I accept it.

"Hey what's up?"

'yo are you free today?'

"Right now yeah why is it work related?"

'noo I was just bored so I called to ask if we could hangout'

"Mingi when are we not together. You do realize there has been rumours going on around me dating you."
I hear him laugh and I sigh.

'yeah well thank God they are just rumours, why would I date you'

"Hey I'm very goodlooking you know, but yeah your right it would be pretty weird. Anyway where do u and the others want to go?"

'well me and jongo were discussing and there is this carnival tonight at 9, sooo are you coming?"
I pause for a bit thinking about the work I have. But I could do it right now and some tomorrow too..

"Yeah sure I'm in. It's just that I'll have to wear a mask, I don't want to get crowded again." I smirked as I say that. 'yeah yeah mister famous boy see you there bye'

He ends the call and I go in my office. Yeah Their is a separate office area in my apartment. It's pretty cool. I sit down at my desk and take out some files and start signing them.

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/Wooyoung pov/

I come outside of room and see that the whole house was awake. I had such a good sleep last night. A peaceful sleep without any worry.
"Good morning wooyoung dear go and sit with the other's I'll get your breakfast ready" yeosang's mother, Mrs Kang says while patting my head and going back to the kitchen. I smile at her and make my way to where the others were, sitting at the table. I great all of them. Yeosang had a little sister too, rose. I go and sit with her as she greets me with a bright smile.

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