Chapter 8

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Kali: I'm at a loss for words after what happened to you in the past, but I want you to know that I truly believe everything you shared with me. It's not just sympathy that makes me believe you, but the genuine truth that resonates in every word you speak. I can also sense the immense pain and longing you have for your friend.

I need some clarification. Do you think it's worth trying to find Tarak after so many failed attempts? Are you confident you can reach your goal? Or do you understand that what's happened is just a mystery with no scientific explanation? Ram, I believe there's a hidden theory behind all this, or maybe you've crossed over into a parallel world.

 Do you think it's worth trying to find Tarak after so many failed attempts? Are you confident you can reach your goal? Or do you understand that what's happened is just a mystery with no scientific explanation? Ram, I believe there's a hidden the...

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Ram: What are you talking about? I'm not getting the parallel world concept. Are you sure about what you're saying?

Kali: I am fully conscious of my words, Jungkook. I am certain that you may have encountered a parallel world or perhaps traversed into a multiverse.

Let me explain it to you clearly.

Ramayan is a Sanskrit epic that dates back to ancient India and tells the story of Lord Rama, who is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Lord Rama was about to complete his incarnation period, and he called Yama (the god of death) to fetch him, but Yama couldn't because Lord Hanuman was guarding the gate of Ayodhya, and he did not let Yama in because Hanuman swore to keep death awa...

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Lord Rama was about to complete his incarnation period, and he called Yama (the god of death) to fetch him, but Yama couldn't because Lord Hanuman was guarding the gate of Ayodhya, and he did not let Yama in because Hanuman swore to keep death away from his lord Rama.

Lord Rama was about to complete his incarnation period, and he called Yama (the god of death) to fetch him, but Yama couldn't because Lord Hanuman was guarding the gate of Ayodhya, and he did not let Yama in because Hanuman swore to keep death awa...

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But as lord Rama knew, things had to go on and one day he dropped his ring into a crack in the earth and asked Hanuman to bring it to him. With his powers, Hanuman shrank in size and followed the crack to the Pathal Loka and then he met the serpent king Vasuki, who knew the cycle of life and death and took Hanuman to the mountain of rings, where he told Hanuman that all rings were from lord Rama and told him who asked Vasuki about the mysterious series of events.

Then Vasuki explained that each ring represents the cycle time called kaal chakra, which has 4 quadrants Rama is incarnated in the treta yuga, and one day the one ring will fall into the lower world. Pathal Loka and Hanuman will come looking for the ring, and up there, Lord Rama will complete his incarnation period.

 Pathal Loka and Hanuman will come looking for the ring, and up there, Lord Rama will complete his incarnation period

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So, millions of billions of these kaal chakras have come across multiple parallel universes. Lord Rama would end his incarnation, and Lord Ram would end his incarnation and take birth again and again.

Hanuman then learned of lord Rama's motive by informing him about his various incarnations in different universes. So that he would let him go with Yama to die and take birth again.

 So that he would let him go with Yama to die and take birth again

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This proves the existence of a parallel universe. Many times, this process has happened and will continue to happen as well.

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