Chapter 7

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Police Station

The atmosphere in the police station is relatively calm, with officers working at their desks. Suddenly, the telephone rings, breaking the silence. Constable Ravi, sitting nearby, picks up the receiver.

Constable Ravi: (answering the phone) "Hello, Main Police Station. Constable Ravi speaking."

Caller: (panicked voice on the other end) "Sir, there's a big fight happening near the old market! Two gangs are going at it, and it's getting out of control! You need to come quickly!"

Constable Ravi: "Calm down, sir. Can you tell me who's involved?"

Caller: "I saw Vijay's gang there, and some others I didn't recognize. It's getting really violent, sir!"

Constable Ravi: "Understood. We're on our way. Stay safe."

Ravi quickly hangs up and rushes over to Sub-Inspector Arjun, who is reviewing some files at his desk.

Constable Ravi: "Sir, there's a gang fight near the old market. Vijay's gang is involved."

SI Arjun: (standing up quickly) "Vijay?  This could get ugly. Let's go, Ravi. We need to handle this before anyone gets seriously hurt."

Arjun and Ravi grab their gear and head out of the station, accompanied by a few more officers

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Arjun and Ravi grab their gear and head out of the station, accompanied by a few more officers. They arrive at the old market to find two gangs clashing violently, weapons in hand. The scene is chaotic, with bystanders watching from a distance.

SI Arjun: (yelling) "Stop! Police! Drop your weapons and stand down!"

The gang members hesitate for a moment but then continue fighting. Arjun and his team move in, using their batons and shields to break up the brawl. They manage to isolate Vijay, the leader of one of the gangs, and pull him away from the fight.

SI Arjun: (to Vijay) "Vijay, it's over. You're under arrest. Call off your men now."

Vijay: (sneering) "You think you can just walk in and stop us? This is our territory!"

Vijay: (sneering) "You think you can just walk in and stop us? This is our territory!"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

SI Arjun: "Enough! You're coming with us."

As the officers secure Vijay, the other gang members start to back off, realizing the situation is not in their favor. Arjun's team efficiently disarms and restrains the fighters, separating the two groups.

SI Arjun: (to his team) "Good work, everyone. Get them all into custody. We need statements from witnesses and a full report."

The officers begin rounding up the gang members, including the two men named Gagan from opposing sides, while others gather witness statements. The scene gradually calms as the police take control.

SI Arjun: (to Constable Ravi) "Make sure Vijay and the others are booked properly. We'll need to keep a close eye on this situation; it could escalate further if we don't handle it right."

Constable Ravi: "Yes, sir. I'll take care of it."

As the officers load the gang members into the police vehicles, SI Arjun looks around, ensuring the area is secure and no one else is at risk.

Police Station, Interrogation Room

Vijay, handcuffed and sitting at a metal table, looks surprisingly composed despite the recent chaos. SI Arjun enters the room, followed by Constable Ravi, who stands by the door. Arjun takes a seat opposite Vijay, looking stern.

Vijay: (smirking, trying to appear innocent) "Arjun, this is ridiculous. You can't arrest me. I'm innocent, with a baby face, remember? It was Gagan's gang that started the fight. They provoked us. This is all a big misunderstanding."

SI Arjun: (unimpressed) "Really, Vijay? Innocent with a baby face? That's the story you're going with? If you're so innocent, why did we find you in the middle of a brawl with weapons in hand? Just call your lawyer and ask for bail, and I'll find out who will bail you out. Do you even realize what you've done? If you try to get bail, it will probably be denied. Make speeches in court tomorrow, not to me. I know exactly what kind of person you are. Besides, this isn't the first time you've been arrested, so why are you pretending to be innocent? Aren't you tired of all this gangster stuff?"

Vijay: (leaning forward, speaking more earnestly) "Hey, Arjun, why are you talking in that tone? Don't you think about your best friend's feelings? Why are you so harsh? Just help your best friend. Simply drop the case and remove all charges. Couldn't you do this little thing for your best friend? Don't be selfish."

Arjun's expression hardens, a mixture of frustration and disappointment crossing his face.

SI Arjun: "Best friend? I'm embarrassed to be called your best friend, Vijay. How many times have I told you to stop this nonsense? To leave this life of crime behind and start working for a real future? But you never listened. Always thinking you're untouchable, that no one could lay a hand on you."

Vijay's face falls slightly, sensing the seriousness in Arjun's tone.

SI Arjun: "Now is the time for you to face the consequences of your actions. I've done everything I could to steer you in the right direction, but you refused to change. This isn't about friendship anymore. It's about the law and what's right. Don't talk to me until you get out of jail."

Vijay opens his mouth to say something, but Arjun stands up, signaling that the conversation is over. He turns to leave, and Constable Ravi steps forward to escort Vijay back to the holding cells.

Vijay: (raising his voice as Arjun walks away) "Arjun, you can't do this! We're friends! You know, I didn't mean for things to go this far!"

Arjun stops at the door and turns back, his expression resolute.

SI Arjun: "Maybe once, Vijay. But not anymore. Friends don't put each other in these situations. They help each other become better, not drag each other down. Think about that while you're in there."

With that, Arjun leaves the room, and the door closes behind him, leaving Vijay to ponder his words. The weight of the situation begins to sink in for Vijay as he's led away, the reality of his actions finally catching up to him.

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