Chapter 4

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Author's POV:

At the age of 22, Tarak and Ram found themselves working for an American-owned chemical company that produced fertilizer. They were excited to have secured a job with a reputable company, but that excitement soon turned into dread as they realized the harmful effects of the chemical fumes they were exposed to daily. 

Despite wearing protective clothing, the health problems caused by the chemical fumes were undeniable. Many of their co-workers wanted to quit, but the owners of the company refused to let them go.

They were forced to sign fake contracts that bound them to their positions, with no way out. The situation grew even more dire when some employees who spoke out against the company mysteriously disappeared and were later found dead. Tarak and Ram were frightened by the realization that their lives could be at risk if they dared to speak up against the company's unfair practices. 

Worried for their safety, they made the decision that they should leave the company together. They planned to resign the next day and never look back. However, when Ram bravely approached the manager's office and explained their decision to quit, he was met with a cruel laugh. The manager called his guards, who brutally beat Ram until he was unable to move. They threatened him with death if he ever tried to leave again. 

Tarak, witnessing his friend's brutal treatment, felt a surge of fear and helplessness wash over him. The feeling of powerlessness and the fear of retaliation from the company's owners left Tarak and Ram in a state of constant anxiety. They felt trapped in a situation that seemed impossible to escape from. 

They were haunted by the memory of their beaten and broken friend, fearing that the same fate awaited them if they ever tried to leave

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They were haunted by the memory of their beaten and broken friend, fearing that the same fate awaited them if they ever tried to leave. Despite the dangers looming over them, Tarak and Ram knew that they could not continue sacrificing their health and well-being for the sake of a job. They made a vow to each other that they would find a way to escape the clutches of the company that held them captive. With a renewed sense of determination, Tarak and Ram began to plan their escape. They knew that the road ahead would be treacherous and uncertain, but they refused to let fear dictate their actions any longer.

They were ready to fight for their freedom, no matter the cost. The sun had just begun to rise over the bustling city of Hyderabad as Ram and Tarak finalized their escape plan. The two friends had decided that they could no longer stay in the company's clutches and had made a pact to leave behind their past lives and start anew in another city. They knew that the company would not take kindly to their sudden departure, so they had meticulously planned their escape, making sure not to leave any trace of their whereabouts. 

As they boarded the bus to Jaipur, a sense of freedom washed over them. They were finally taking control of their destinies and leaving behind the monotony of their current lives. The bus ride was long and arduous, but the two friends were filled with an overwhelming sense of excitement for the future that awaited them. However, fate had other plans. As the bus traveled along the winding roads, disaster struck. The driver lost control of the vehicle, and before they knew it, the bus had careened off the road and crashed into a ditch. 

The impact was sudden and jarring, and chaos ensued as passengers scrambled to safety. In the aftermath of the accident, Ram found himself trapped amidst the wreckage. Panic set in as he frantically searched for Tarak, only to find his friend lying motionless on the ground, a pool of blood forming around him. The realization that Tarak was dead hit Ram like a ton of bricks, and grief washed over him in waves. 

Tears streamed down his face as he mourned the loss of his friend. The plans they had made and the dreams they had shared all seemed to crumble in an instant. The reality of the situation was harsh and unforgiving, and Ram was left to grapple with the weight of it all. As he sat by Tarak's lifeless body, a sense of guilt washed over him. He couldn't help but feel responsible for his friend's death. 

If only they hadn't embarked on this journey; if only they had stayed put and faced the consequences of their actions. But it was too late for regrets now, and all Ram could do was watch as Tarak was taken away, leaving him alone in the aftermath of the tragedy. The journey that had started with hope and excitement had ended in sorrow and loss. 

Kali's POV:

As I listened to his tragic past, my heart ached for him. The pain in his voice was raw and filled with sorrow as he recounted the tragic accident that took away his best friend, Tarak. I could feel the weight of his loss and the void that Tarak's absence had left in his life.

It must have been devastating for him to endure such a heartbreaking event. As he spoke, tears streamed down his face uncontrollably, each drop carrying the weight of his grief. It was as if his longing to see his friend again was so intense that it manifested physically, making his pain tangible and palpable. Witnessing his anguish, I couldn't help but be moved by his sorrow. At that moment, I knew I couldn't bear to leave him stranded on the streets, alone with his sorrow. Something within me stirred a mix of courage and compassion that pushed me to take action. 

I found the strength to offer him solace and to provide him with a safe space where he could heal and find some comfort. Bringing him to my apartment, I attended to his injuries, both physical and emotional. I gently cleaned his wounds, offering a soothing touch that conveyed my empathy and understanding.

 I gently cleaned his wounds, offering a soothing touch that conveyed my empathy and understanding

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