11. Killian pt.2

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I have never went to an American high school, only a middle school back in Italy, but the guy accompanying me is exactly what I imagine the stereotypical American high school jock to look and act like. Except he's more welcoming. It's like his kind and comforting aura sometimes manages to slip past the persona he puts up. I'm not judging him for that though, since I know it just makes it easier to get through the day.

'So. You know more than I do about my ability' I chuckle 'but what's yours' I ask him. 'My ability is that I'm so hot, girls just surround me 24/7' I'm kind of taken aback since I can't tell wether he's joking or not. He just manages to say everything with a certain level of confidence and comfort, yet he never sounds fully serious. I envy it. I tried to sound like I knew what I was doing so many times, just in order to survive on the streets, but I somehow never managed.

'That's for real you ability? If so why are you here and not out there?' I laugh, not having previously realised how badly I actually craved having a human connection that doesn't think I'm disgusting. Killian lets out another chuckle before answering me, 'well it's because I have two gifts. I can also go fifteen minutes back in time whenever I want. That's why they sent me here, though I tend to use my other ability way more than the time travelling'.

A laugh escapes my mouth as I realise that he was messing around at first, something I still have to get used to. People used to mess around with me all the time, but back then it was in order to hurt or get rid of me, so the change was definitely welcome.

I sit back down onto the bed, onto the mattress and blanket beneath me instead of the pavement I have gotten so used to. I want to continue joking around with Killian but my curiosity gets the better of me as I open my mouth. 'Killian what exactly do you know about my ability? Since they told me almost nothing and sent me here instead'. Killian let's out a soft chuckle, so short it sounds more like a sigh before responding to me, 'damn they told you nothing? Listen, they don't tell any of us a lot when we first get here but nothing? That's a record for sure. Well they didn't tell us a lot either but I can tell you everything I know and we'll figure out the rest together. They didn't specifically tell me this but I'm assuming you either ate or drank something since the spirits tend to give us our abilities through consumption. But I mean you could have also gotten them through needles and stuff like that if you're some kind of drug addict' 'I'm not. Well I mean I've done what I needed to in order to survive but I'm not an addict' 'great. It'll make sharing a dorm with you a bit better I suppose. So thank you ate or drank something right?'

I nod my head in order to show I agree with him before he continues.

'Well Mr. Jones, our headmaster, communicates with spirits so they tell him every time someone gets gifted. He's also the only one who got his gift directly from the spirits. So after the spirits told him about you he sent Devi after you. I was walking past the door when she left so I went 15 minutes back in time and listened to most of their conversation. I'm pretty sure you can make everything you do in a dream, happen in real life. And once you 'get really powerful" he says mimicking Mr. Jones' deep voice 'you might even be able to dream about other people's actions and make those happen as well, rather than just your own. But he says you're not there yet'.

The longer I listen to Killians explanation the more I'm starting to admire the way he talks. He's so chill about it, like he respects me yet would make fun of me as well. It reminds me of how my older cousins would treat me back in Italy.

After talking some more the conversation ends when Killian offers to give me a tour of the unknown place I'm in, and I accept.

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