5. Morning

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I wake up to the feeling of a shiver running over my body as I groan while sitting up. With my eyes still partially closed and my head pounding I look through my bag to see if i really have enough food to eat some breakfast. After a quick glance I grab a pear and a chunk of bread out of my bag before sighing and starting to eat. The aching of my head slowly lessens as before I start to look around. After swallowing the final bite of food, I get up and decide to walk around for a bit and see if I find anything important.

After walking for about 10 minutes I decide to just give up and start walking back to my mattress, since there obviously was nothing interesting going on. I look to the right when the slightly distant sound of a bell enters my ears. There's a half empty cafe with three people talking to each other, and one grown man drinking a coffee while working. Or actually, he's not working at all. He's on his laptop scrolling through the pictures I had posted in my dream. My body freezes as I blink a few times to make sure it's not the lack of sleep causing my mind to act up. But it's not. The pictures are really on Instagram, and they seem to be viral.

As shocked as I am I realise that it's not actually possible and I'm most likely just tired, or maybe even drugged. So I decide to just keep on walking and ignore everything that just happened.

Once I lay down again I close my eyes, not trying to sleep, but just wanting to get some rest. I feel my muscles relax as I lean my head back further into the mattress. My breath starts slowing down and I can feel the sun on my skin.

'Hey Mattttt! it's like 11 o'clock why are you still tired?' The giggling voice of a young and bubbly girl remarks. Filled with stress my body shoots up from the mattress as I quickly open my eyes to look where the sound came from. As I rapidly turn my head to my left I see a small, young girl. She has braided, long, thick, black hair. And the glasses resting on her nose perfectly frame her face and big brown eyes, while the sun which had risen not too long ago compliments her beautiful soft and tan skin.

She smiles at me while fidgeting with her hands, which makes me feel as if she's more nervous than she is currently showing me.

My body finally starts to slightly relax again when I realise this isn't some random girl. This is Devi. Rohan's daughter. The girl I had stolen what I think are Lilly's for multiple times, and the girl whose dad died in a brutal way, all because of me. 'Devi?' I ask while slightly tilting my head with a confused expression. She nods her head with a big smile across her face. 'Yeah. You used to be friends with my dad, remember. Sometimes you would come to my moms house with him. You were really cool! I-I mean you are still cool. I think. I-I'm not sure. But you, but you look cool.' the girl tells me, now no longer able to hide her nervousness. As I listen to her attentively I start getting more and more confused on why she's here and how she even managed to find me in the first place, so after she seems to be done I finally ask her. 'Yeah, listen, Devi. Shouldn't you be at home with your mom? I mean it's cold and you live pretty far away so this isn't smart. Come on I'll walk you home before anything happens' I groan as I stand up to take the girl back to her mothers house. 'Nononono, waittttt' she whines as she pulls on my sleeve. 'I need to tell you a secret'.

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