The End of the Train Ride.

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The girl Hermione sat down and said, "I know were going to be great friends I have already memorized everything from the books."

"SAME!" I said excited.

"NOW I know we're going to be great friends", said Hermione.

Time skip 

"Well, do you want to sit with me?" Asked Hermione nervously. When I was about to say yes when Harry came to my mind AGAIN!


B: What why?

H: She might hurt you

B: Bruh she won't 

H: She will

B: No

H: I'm older you listen to me

B: In your dreams and says who?

H: No not in my dreams and says me

B: As if



H: SAY NO!!!!!!!

B: OK! CHILL! I Won't . 

H: Good girl

B: Won't say NO!! HAHA!! YOU GOT TRICKED HAHA! Hahaha!!

H: What?! BELLE!

"YES PLEASE", I said as I went to get my trunk fast. 

Harry grabbed me and I said "What the SIGMA!"

"You are staying with me!" Said Harry furiously. Luckily, Hermione had my trunk. 

"Harry Harry Harry, my brother there's nothing to worry about", I said. 

"Fine", said Harry letting go, "But any danger, call me in the mind got it?"

"Got it", I said running out. 

"Hermione!" I yelled, "let me help." We both carried my trunk and sat down. We found the Trevor, Neville's toad and I had got dressed for Hogwarts.

Time skip

"We're here", said Hermione. We all jumped off and met Hagrid.

"Ello first years, right this way. Belle how are ya?" Asked Hagrid. We all climbed on boats me Hermione, Ron and of course Harry. We entered the castle and a lady with an emerald-green cloak spoke.

"First years, you will be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. We will inform you when it starts." She left, when a blond boy came up with other 2 boys and a girl here.

"Potters", he said. 'My names Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He put his hand to shake so we would be friends. Harry declined but I shook his hand. 

He smiled and said, "This is Crabbe and Goyal," pointing to the boys. "And this is Pansy", pointing to the girl. 

Pansy smiled at me and said "Yay! A girl to join me!"

Harry tugged me and exclaimed, "What are you doing there? 

"Give em a chance", I said. I caught up with Draco and Hermione is now their friend! 

Draco said to the whole group, "Doesn't matter what house you're in, but try to be in Slytherin ok?"

"Ok", we all said.

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