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It's been 4 days since Sophie, Nora and I had the conversation in the cafeteria about who my friend is, besides the party and of course my work on Mercy Brown and although I had to do it because of Professor Rune's obligation, I ended up getting into it even though I didn't see the point of this essay, I have to confess that I'm a fan of crazy theories especially of the supernatural things that have to do with ghosts, vampires, wolves and that one of my guilty tastes is that I do enjoy that saga of vampires that shine more than anything because of a certain short-haired seer vampire but in the end it all translates into the end of the essay and I had to deliver it to Professor Rune and I have to say that I was surprised and in a good way.

--------------20 MINUTES BEFORE IN HISTORY CLASS--------------------------

"Well, the class is over, Future Historians can go and continue researching and remember to study page 35 of your book, maybe there will be a pop quiz these days!" Professor Run exclaimed with great enthusiasm.

"You can't do a pop quiz, it's out of the school rules," someone responds from the middle of the class, which makes all the students who were about to leave stand still in place before leaving when the stage knew what would happen.

Professor Run looks in the direction of the voice to see the culprit, and when he sees him, he just utters a name with a somewhat annoyed expression without getting carried away. Young Alexs! —, Alexs only sees him with an amused expression since he has taken a certain fondness for annoying Professor Run since he knows that everything will turn into a battle over who knows more unnecessary historical facts.

"Could you stop influencing your peers who just want to learn about our glorious history for just 5 minutes!" The professor gets excited in that last part, tired of this mess.

"Okay yes, okay, excuse me, Mr. Rune," he replies casually as if he doesn't interest you in the least, "but I still couldn't do that and he knows it."

"Very well, class, they can leave except you Alexs," he points to him and motions for him to come to the desk, "come closer, I need to talk to you about the task I specially entrusted to you, and no jokes about not being able to get my drugs." He preempts Alexs' response,


"But is this great how he managed to do all this in such a short time?" —she asks, amazed at Alexs' work, to which he responds somewhat embarrassed.

—The truth is, I don't know either, I just got into it, even though I don't understand the logic of this theory, I have to say that I felt a little identified while I was investigating, as if I had been there, it was something strange, I don't know, I even felt as if I had met that young woman, something strange, I know that, but that motivated me to continue researching a little more and here it is.

"Alright, don't worry, young Alexs, what matters is the dedication and effort you put into this, maybe you should consider being a historian." Mr. Run's advice brings a smile to Alexs' face.

"I'm sorry Mr. Run, but I don't want to end up being a university professor, penniless and battling annoying students," the young man with black hair replies in a mocking tone without waiting for the answer the professor would give.

"Well, that may be in his country of origin and at the time I thought the same, but here in Umbra the salary as a university professor is one of the best paid, especially in this university I have heard that the professor of history at Lysmørke Universitet is about to retire in a few years to travel the world with his beloved wife, or so she forces him to say." The professor says in a whisper of that last part, "Of course, if you decide to stay here once you finish your studies."

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