Chapter 1

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Chapter 1. Shadows

New beginnings are always difficult and even more so when you have to leave your life behind and abandon everything that was once part of you and start from scratch, new school, new friends, new parties, or at least that's what the protagonists say in the movies when they move to a new place, and maybe I could say the same if I also had something that tied me to my old home, but the truth is that I never felt part of it, that's why when they offered me the scholarship to study at Lysmørke Universitet, I know it's a very difficult name to pronounce, but considering that it's a country with an even more unknown name, Umbra, simpler name, maybe they didn't think much about the name, But when I researched about it I was fascinated for some reason, it's not like it has anything special apart from the fact that it's very far from home and that it shares certain similarities with my country of origin, especially the fact that it was a Spanish colony apart from the climate, since there is not so much sun, I don't like the sun very much, Since my skin tends to be a bit sensitive, but I'm not cold either, so its cloudy weather is perfect and almost like something out of a book. My thoughts were interrupted by the pilot's announcement

* "Ladies and gentlemen, from the cockpit, the captain speaks to you. We are pleased to inform you that we have successfully completed our descent and landed at the destination airport."

Time Skype

"Hmm, my back was finally hurting," I thought, as I left the airport and looked at the scenery, "it's not too bad despite being cloudy and the wind is blowing, we had no trouble landing, that speaks to how used they are to this weather."

"By the way, where is the person who was going to pick me up, I hope he hasn't forgotten." As I looked around, I noticed a girl holding a sign with my name misspelled on it, so I walked over to her.

"Hi, you must be Alexs, right? Nice to meet you, I'm Sophia, but everyone calls me Sophie, you can call me Sophie, by the way."

"Wow, slow down, okay, nice to meet you, Sophie, and if I'm Alexs."

"I'm glad and I'm sorry, I was kind of anxious, it's just that they didn't tell me what time you'd be coming, so I was here for a long time and no one came, so I thought maybe it was a bad joke after all an exchange student in October is kind of weird".

"I imagine it must have been exhausting, I'm sorry, but I'll make it up to you one day, for now, let's not waste any more time."

"Very well, my car is in beech," I turn in the direction he indicates and see a classic car that must have cost a fortune, but it's the least I can expect from someone from a European country. "It's not mine, it's my brother's, it's... girl? Ha, ha, I don't really understand much, but when I told him what I would do he was so excited because I could have a friend who offered to lend it to me to impress, it's not that I don't have friends, it's just that... Well, I don't want to entertain you so much, you must feel tired walking".

"Okay, I'm dying to get to the bedroom and rest, it was 9 hours of sitting 90 degrees on the plane," I explained comically while holding my back.

"But the kid wanted to cut costs by traveling in economy class and on top of that on Solares, the best airline in the world ha, ha, ha," I let out a little joke to change the mood.

I don't want to meddle in his personal affairs, after all, we barely know each other.

"Ha, ha, ha I guess, maybe on the way you can tell me a little about yourself."

"Well, I'll try, though there's nothing interesting to say about me."

And so the trip to the dormitory went by talking mostly about school things, since he needed to be informed of what was happening in the city and more importantly at the university.

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