
93 2 14

Warning: Little Language

"Okay, well Trophy you don't have to get so worked up about Box. You have company here!"

His aunt joked out, Trophy was flustered. He softly pushed Box away, as Box chuckled nervously. He looked at Nickel worried.

"Sorry, we had a conversation. He just cheered me up a bit-!" Box said, he pulled up his robe. Nickel growled at him, Cheesy rolled his eyes, he walked off.

"Back off."
Nickel demanded. Box slowly backed away from Trophy, as he quickly let to the kitchen. Trophy smirked nervously, as Nickel hugged him.

"Uh, I'll make breakfast."
"Yeah...um, make us some pancakes or bacon and eggs."

Trophy mumbled, Nickel stared at Box with devilishly eyes. They were in the living/kitchen room, as Cheesy was upstairs taking a shower.
He laid back at the shower, looking at the ceiling. He wonder what to do with Trophy, he grabbed a wash towel.

(btw he's not a girl, a man-)

"What to do with that joke, he always force on other people besides me. This is harder than i thought, and we only have 5 days to spend time together before I get back to my job."

He sighed, he turned off the water. Cheesy got out of the shower and grabbed his towel. He walked into his room, as he saw a portrait of him and Trophy when they were young. He looked at the place in the background, where they was been, as his face light up with a smile.

'I got it, we can go to other favorite places we've been ever since we met! We'll go shopping first, tomorrow we'll go to the theme park, then after tomorrow we'll go get ice and go to the park, then! After that we can stay here and enjoy our moments here.'

"This is perfect!!"

Cheesy towel fell off, as he raised his fists with pride. He walked to his closet and got dressed for today. Cheesy picked his similar old shirt that he had when he was little, but different. It was brand new and was XXL sized.

"Cheddar Cheese! Breakfast ready."

Trophy yelled at his door, Cheesy looked at the door with a bright red face. He smiled;


"Man Box, you're a great cook! You really are a related friend with Cheesy, wish I can cook like that..."

"He can be a little cute wife! So pretty and nice!"
Trophy's auntie chuckled, Trophy slowly looked at her with annoyance. He put his plate away, as he got up embarrassed.
His aunt looked at him, Trophy immediately walked away, tired of the nonsense. Before he can get upstairs, he saw Cheesy walked downstairs with his childhood clothes. Trophy blushed.

Cheesy smiled and saw him, as he giggled.

"Trophy~ remember me now?"
"I- yeah...I do now."

Nickel stared at Cheesy, as he got more jealous than before. He scooted his chair, as he pointed at Cheesy angrily. Cheesy looked up confused.


"You said you changed."
"Oh...wait now I've think about it, I remembered you bothering Cheesy when he was little also."

"Eh- never, mind."

Cheesy walked up to the kitchen and grabbed a pancake. He dipped his pancake onto the bowl of syrup and took a big bite. He looks at everyone, he quickly got his notes and started to talk with his mouth full.

"Okay, we going go shopping. Then the next day theme park. And then after-"

"Chew and Swallow, then speak."
Nickel gasped.

"Anyways hehe- after that we'll go to the park and get ice cream, then the next day we'll stay here for a while...!"

"Okay, or maybe we can get some shots a bit..."
Trophy aunt chuckles, Cheesy and the others were shocked a bit. She looked at them confused;

"What? Y'all are almost 21, as long as I watch you you'll be fine. Or maybe Trophy-"



They was at the garage. Trophy turned on the lights to see almost 50 expensive cars all over the parking lot. He backed up shocked, everyone was amazed and excited, as his aunt brushed her hair with her hand with confidence.

Chives walked behind them, as he was tired.
"This is honestly ridiculous how your mother bought so many of these cars for no reason. Well then, Trophy, you choose which one to ride for us."

Trophy looked around, unsure what to choose. Cheesy grabbed his hand and pointed at a red Bugatti Centodieci. Nickel stuttered;

"That's fucking 8.8 million dollars..."

"What's the fuck."
"I know, his parents worked at an expensive business. And they save a lot than you think."

"Okay what the hell."

"And they said that will be your birthday present when you turn 18, but didn't know how the hell to get it into your dorm. These stupid bitches need to real earn a Trophy of Stupidity."

Chives walked to the front seat, he opened the door for Trophy. He looked at him with disappointment;

"Go in."

Trophy went inside the car, as everyone else opened the door by themselves. The garage door opened, Trophy's aunt backed up and waved at them with a joyful smile.

"Have a good day! Don't mess up the public bathrooms while doing-"


The gas blew into her face, as she coughed aggressively. Chives chuckled, as Trophy looked back at his aunt annoyed, she looked at Trophy angrily.

"I told you to stop, well. Have a good day!"

Trophy drove off, as his aunt was standing there, gas all over her outfit. Chives keep laughing, as she knock the hell out of Chives.


(Guys I reached my limit of words so I gotta make another chapter of this part. Why? Because I want to, and it fits better than writing the whole thing tbh- like I don't wanna my this chapter so long for yall!)

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