
194 4 24

Warning: Language, Fighting bcuz why not!😍

They was at their dorms, it's the weekend. Box and Trophy are finally settling in, since they didn't really introduce themselves that much.

"So you're that "boy" that everyone talks about?"


"And have so many Mephones?"
"And have little bitches rubbing their tongues on you because youre the "cute boy"?

Trophy faced Box with a toothy grin on his face, Box showed a bit of anger, as he rolled his eyes.

"Cheesy, your with this rusty copper?"
"Yeah since we're roommates."


Box said while backing up, he wiped his face with a napkin from his pocket. He sighed, as he then introduced himself standing up.

"I'm Box, I'm 19 and my father is the owner of Mephone Apple. I have a job too that pays me lot, so I don't need to beg for money and act pathetic like you. Yes, I am his son. And also, I don't have a girlfriend yet..."

Trophy growled, as Cheesy clapped his hands with a impressive smile. He then pat onto Trophy's shoulder, like he was his Pokémon.

"Trophy, go introduce yourself to Box."

"Yeah, okay."

Trophy got up, as he grabbed his glass of beer.
"I'm Trophy, I'm 18 and also have a rich family. Instead of being motherless, I have both parents who make 100k or more a week. I don't beg for money to them, I can just get it my own by my better job, you stinky fucking gay ass butler. Also, I have some bitches, they be drooling on me and even do things personal, you sucking bastard."

"Where are they? Hoe-fuck?"

Trophy got angry, he sat down with a crazy look. Cheesy chuckled nervously, as he gave Trophy a hug, trying to calm him down.

"Hey it's okay! Um, let's just get along..."

"What shall we do then?"

Box voice was very calm, and even sweeter than before. Cheesy smiled, as he hold up pans and bowls. They got confused, as Cheesy spoke;

"Let's make Dessert!"



Cheesy grabbed a box of brownies, he opened it aggressively and got the brownie mix out. Box and Trophy looked at him still confused.

"Why are we doing this?"

Trophy asked confused, Cheesy looked at him.

"I'm bored, and I want you guys to get along and be happy together! You're my friends after all!"

"Oh and now we're friends?"

Cheesy left the room, as Trophy was shocked.

"That's it? Cheesy-"

"Yes Trophy, let's do this baking together."

Box began looking for the ingredients, as he grabbed the bag and opened it quickly. Trophy sighed, Box pour the mix in, while Trophy grabbed some eggs. Instead of helping box, he tried to make a back-throw shout to the bowl.

As he threw the egg into the air, the egg laid on Box's hair. Box immediately dropped the bag on the table, as he looked at Trophy.



Trophy froze to see Box's eyes all red, he backed up to the refrigerator terrified. Before Trophy can run away, Box attacked him.

Box got on top of Trophy and started punching Trophy's face immediately, Trophy grabbed onto his collar though and slammed Box onto the kitchen to carpet floor. They started tugging and wrestling each other like maniacs.

"Stupid bitch!-"

Trophy slammed his head onto the wall, as Box head began to bleed. Box got more frustrated, as he then sock the shit out of Trophy's nose. He then started to bleed also, Box got up while looking at him disappointed.

"Honestly, not too bad..."

"Shut up- AH!"

Cheesy came out of his room, as he was shocked of what he discovered. He quickly ran to Trophy, while Box backed up and got an another napkin.

"Holy shit are you okay?!"
"Yeah- ah damn it, that hurts when I speak..."

"What happened Box?"

"He just slammed his nose onto the counter of how stupid he is, silly Trophy."

Cheesy looked at his hair, as the egg was still there. Cheesy sighed, he gave Trophy a tissue, and also wiped off the egg out of Box's hair.

"I'm calling the ambulance..."

"Please do, ow."

(Hours later)

"Hey guys I made the brownies instead."

Cheesy got a wrapped up plate full of brownies, as he sets it on a small table. Trophy was sitting at a chair with his nose wrapped up with medical band-aid, while Box was lying at the bed exhausted. Cheesy gave them both a brownie, as they smiled awkwardly.

"Thank you."

"Thanks I guess..."

He smiled, as Cheesy nodded.

"No problem, and you know what. I decided, maybe we can get rooms together since we're now friends, ya'll are perfect together! There's an extra room so...yeah!"



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