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Warning: Angst...(kinda)...🥶🥶🥶


Trophy was at the kitchen table drinking his coffee at 6:03 am.

He's waiting on Nickel and the others. He look at the microwave clock to see the time, he notice that's he's a bit early. He sat onto the counter's chairs, as he sighed. He took a sip at his unflavored coffee. Suddenly, there were loud echoing steps coming down stairs. He looked up as he saw Box going downstairs, his robe was going down on his shoulders.

'Man he look skinner without his clothes..'

Trophy thought. Box looked at him seriously, he sat onto the couch right next to the kitchen. He grabbed his robe to prevent showing his body, he looked tired and disappointed. Trophy looked away, he put his coffee away at the table.

"Sheesh, you're grumpy today huh?"

"No. I'm just tired."

"I kinda feel home sick, but glad that i'm here at the same time."

"The weirdest part is that i'm half robot, I don't naturally have these feelings."

Trophy looked at him in shocked, he slowly turned in fear. He's a fucking robot? But he acts like a human and looks like one. This just escalated. Box rolled his eyes and grabbed the remote from the TV, the TV turned on to a commercial that shows his dad sponsering his products. He groaned annoyed and skipped to the next channel.

"You're a robot?"

"Yes, and an another reason why my dad is Steve Cobs. And i'm close to Mephone4."

"Don't tell the others, because you're the only on that have a brain here. They'll freak out, and you're the only friend and person that I trust besides Cheesy. Even though I dislike you."

"Wait, really? I thought you hate me- whatever I'll keep the secret I guess."

"Those three brain cells work surprisingly."


"I really couldn't kept this, it's so hard for some reason, I honestly hate him and I don't care for his rules. He always annoy me with tests and random products that might kill me one day. I just hate how the fact he treat me like a pet or an actual object. I...have feeling too."

Trophy slowly frowned, he looked at Box concered. He laid back onto the couch, stress and annoyed. Trophy walked up to him, as Box continued talking.

"And now he's mad that I ran off on this vacation, he's a "overprotected" person to me. He let Mephone4 escpace or move on. But on me? Why I always have to be controled by a yellow corn head freak that just torture me with these products. Oil, Iron, Metal, Salt, Rice, there's always everything that he need to test out. I told him to stop, but he keeps going."

"It's only for a little experiment, I want to protect you!" "He always says, but it doesn't protect me at all. It hurts."

When he said those quotes, his voice changed to cobs, almost like the mimic. Trophy was worried about him, he shruuged unsure what to say. He looked down and closed his eyes, he felt emmbarrased.

'Please no, why I have to say this...'

Trophy patted his head, Box flinched, he looked at Trophy.

"Look. If someone is bothering, or forcing you to do something. Don't do it for them, even if it's your "father", because what he's doing is bad. Of course if you don't like it. It's your own rights and body to go outside, you're like 19. No one can tell you what to you, only if it's bad, and it's NOT. And, if he mess you or even tries to ruin you again, let me know. I'm open 24/7 anyways...not that way- I'm just saying, don't. Don't let anyone ruin you and your own body...and mood. It's not fair, and I don't like that Apple Iphone Copy cat!"

"Sorry maybe you're right, I might just said it in a bad way. Not like how I thought it in my mind-"

Trophy immediately fell. He was on the ground, his head was slammed on the floor. Trophy looked up to see Box onto of him, hugging him tightly with a big smile. Box looked at him with a bit of tears on his eyes, his face was bright red, he smiled to Trophy.

"Aw you're so nice! I never met someone that actaully understands me...Thank you."

"No wonder why Cheese is interested in you.."

Box robe slipped up again, which made Trophy slightly blushed. Trophy slowly got up, as Box was still hugging him, he felt his chest as he forgot he was naked.

"HEY UM- your robe is...um-"

"Trophy what the fuck, I just woken up."

His aunt saw Trophy grabbing onto Box waist. Trophy slowly looked at his aunt with a worried look, Nickel and Cheesy was right behind her. Nickle was in shocked, while Cheesy was jealous, more disappionted than anyone here. His aunt took a screenshot, she smirked with a toothy grin.

"I wonder how your mother will react to this..."



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