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A pretty new thing that happened to him . "Fear" why was he scared of her , he thought about it , what was this fear why when she was there he was happy he was at peace but together with it he was scared . The reason he was scared was because he was scared of losing someone who mattered the world to him , he was scared of annoying her , he was scared of her being mad on him , he was scared one day he might lose her he was scared one day their paths will change he was scared one day she'll forget him . It's alright he always thought as long as she is happy it's alright, but yet he always wished to be there in her happiness he wanted to be her happiness "Pretty Selfish Right ? " . If she is with him he knew he doesn't need anything else .

There was never a time she was out of his mind no matter when he always thought of her , he always thought is she alright what would she be doing , he always thought about her eyes , the eyes he never got the chance to stare at , the eyes he found the most beautiful the eyes that gave him a sense of belonging, such pretty eyes , why was her eyes the prettiest why are no other eyes pretty even of the same color , just why ? Why Everything else became meaningless .

This Crazy heart of his doesn't want to live without her . One day will he go mad , one day he might , he's already half Mad . Every second she's the only one he can think of . Please If one day comes when she's not there , please just kill him cause inside he'll already be dead .

One day she said Even if i'm not there find your happiness somewhere else this will make her happy . He thought and thought and thought of it and in the end the conclusion he got was death . Without her the only thing he desires is death the only happiness he has is the thought of dying , didn't i said he has already gone half mad . He hopes one day everything will work out he trusts His Allah he says one day please please anyhow please make it work out please .

I'm not scared of dying , if one day death is guaranteed why fear it , what i am really scared of is living a life without her , why does she means so much to me why for her i won't think twice before dying why do i love her so much , why her happiness means everything to me , why i'll start crying if she's ever mad on me :) "pretty funny right " haha idk how do i explain it it's a pretty confusing feeling it gives happiness yet sadness it gives peace yet one's heart feels like at war , it gives everything yet takes away everything , it asks for sacrifices without even knowing how things will turn out . Love Is a lovely feeling yet a curse . If one day comes when there is no one who loves her , Know I'm dead cause i'll love her forever , for an eternity till the end of time itself . It doesn't matter how things turn out my love for her will only grow . Please things please turn out okay .

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