Whos back?

83 3 0

As Sung-bin puts his shirt on, all of the remaining player are called to the center of all the rooms.

The speaker turns on "Today, contestants that were eliminated in the last game have all had a way to come back."

The remaining people gasp and all whisper.

"Unfortunately, on 3 of them are allowed back, making the amount of people 50. The remaining contestants will now walk in."

You shift nervously, hoping that Ji-eun would be one of the people coming back. It had only been one day and you already missed her.

The players that survived come on, the first person revealing to be Ji-eun!

Your group gasps and you all go over to hug her. including your new swimmer friend. You all watch as she hugs kwang-jae, smirks forming on the groups faces.

"Now, you will all have 2 hours to prepare for the next game." The speaker turns off and everyone starts talking.

"Soo.. any idea what the new game is going to be?" ji-sun starts off, leading by soon after nerdy kwang-jae spitting gout all of the words possible.

"Well, i think it might be something not including running.." Sung bin responds, leading to everyone mocking him because of how stupid that answer was. like clearly it's not one including running when you just did that. sometimes, you think this guys has no brain.

"i think it will be one where you have to use your body strength." you add on "Considering they put us in groups and just brought back random people.. it won't be with our group this time either.. this was just to make the overall number even."

                [1 HOUR LATERRRRRR]

       cutie patootie cliffhanger bc yes. i'm tired and it's 10:50 in the night rnnnn anyways ty for reading my luxurious princess cookie pookies <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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