XLIV - I'm. . .Sorry

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"It's a Mughal dagger." George told Inspector Barnes, handing over the bagged evidence. "Indian, 16th century. They usually come in pairs, so if we find the other one, we find who killed Carver." 

"No." Barnes denied, giving a sharp shake of his head. "You've had your shot, you made yourselves too conspicuous. Bickerstaff's mirror, the bone glass, it's Fittes' business now." 

Daniel tensed up slightly. She knew that there was no way that Lockwood was going to drop the case. . .but she also knew if they lost, Anthony had already agreed to hand her over. She forgot about that for a minute, but suddenly her anger at Lockwood for attempting to sacrifice himself was pushed to the side and replaced by her previous annoyance at him agreeing to trade her over like some prized object. 

"You can't be serious." Lockwood scoffed. 

"But they'll screw it up!" George added. "It'll get into the wrong hands." 

"Not your problem anymore." Barnes said. "I mean, look around. You've got no safeguards, no supervision. And I don't have the time or resources to protect you."

"Look, Inspector, I know you don't like us-" Anthony started.

"I never said I didn't-" 

"Or our methods, and that's fine. But they work." Lockwood stopped Barnes before he could finish. "We found Annabel Ward's murderer. No one else knows that, but you do. Come on, we're good. Now, I'm begging you. . .just give us this chance to find the mirror." 

Barnes turned, looking at Daniel and giving her a once over before looking at Lucy. "What about you, Carlyle? You're unusually quiet." 

Lucy didn't respond for a moment, looking at Lockwood and thinking before turning to Barnes. "I think we should finish the job. We're better placed than anyone else. It's our choice, and we know the risks. You should let us."

"Fine. But I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, be smart. You're dealing with real-life criminals here. Flesh and blood. So you stick to the psychical side. Locate the bone glass. And leave the rest to DEPRAC." As he said the last part, he looked at Lockwood. 

"Sir? Critical incident in Kilburn." Wade came into the room, looking at her Director. 

Barnes started for the door before turning back to the agents. "Don't let this be the last time I see the four of you alive. I don't need to find another dead Aiken." His words were harsh and aimed at Anthony. He was pushing the fact that if Daniel died, he'd blame Lockwood. She wasn't as safe here as she was when she was working at Fittes. Honestly, Barnes couldn't understand why the girl made the switch to this hole in the wall agency. He gave a small nod at Daniel before leaving the building. 

The rest of DEPRAC filled out shortly after, having completed their research on the scene. George and Lucy retreated upstairs to their rooms, Daniel and Lockwood were close behind but Anthony paused before reaching the steps. He was staring at the ground where Carver had died. The death glow a bright white and blue. It wasn't as bad as some more severe cases Daniel had seen. But it wasn't subtle either. It almost made her dizzy, the way the cloudy image danced and moved in on itself. The outline sending white wisps of fog in to fill the image of a body. "Maybe we get a rug?" Daniel offered half heartedly. 

"You know that won't help." Anthony shook his head, his words hushed and whispered. 

"I know, Locks. . ." Daniel took his hand carefully, "I'm still mad at you, y'know." 

"I know." Lockwood gave her palm a soft squeeze. "I'm sorry." He said after a short pause.

"For which part?" Daniel kept her voice soft and gentle. 

"All of it." Anthony turned, looking at Daniel. "For the deal with Kipps for starters, I just- I got in my head. I hate him, I hate him so much. . .But that doesn't excuse it. I just- I know we'll beat him. We have to. I guess. . .I wanted him to know I was serious. I want it to sting when we beat him." 

"I get it, doesn't make me not mad. . ."

"I know." Lockwood nodded immediately. "And it doesn't excuse it- I'm not trying to make excuses, I just want you to understand where I'm coming from. And then the- the. . .tonight. I didn't want to die- I- I just wanted to. . .I was scared. . .I thought that they were going to kill you, Dani. I can't- I wasn't just going to let you die in front of me." 

Daniel gave a soft nod. "I understand. But I've told you before, Anthony. I don't want you sacrificing yourself for me."

"I know- I know-" He sighs, squeezing her hand softly. "I know, Dani. But I wasn't just going to sit there and watch him-" 

Daniel stayed quiet, not responding. She understood what he meant, and she realized that he couldn't finish the sentence. He was scared. Scared that he couldn't do anything about it. Scared that he was going to watch Daniel die right in front of him. "Come on, it's late." Daniel whispered. "Let's make some tea and head to bed." 

Lockwood gave a half-hearted smile, nodding. "Let's."


Word Count - 876


Published - May 9, 2024


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