XXXVII - An Edge

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Waking up to Anthony Lockwood's cologne had become one of Daniel's favorite things in the world. It brought a warmth to her, a calm comfort like no other. What was less pleasant was when he woke her up by leaving her alone. A note was all that was there in Anthony's place, his impeccable handwriting neatly centered. 'In the kitchen. Come down when you're ready, I've got tea.'

Daniel huffed, climbing out of Anthony's warm bed and making her way back to her own room. She got dressed, pulling on a black shirt, cargo pants and her purple jacket. She tugged her shoes on before lacing them up. Daniel quickly brushed through her hair before trudging down the stairs toward the kitchen. 

"Right? It said 'death is coming'. What if the mirror is death?" Lucy questioned just as Daniel opened the door. 

"That's a fun thought." She yawned softly, walking over to Lockwood and taking the mug he held. She took a sip before pulling a sour face. "That's not peppermint." 

"I'm aware. Your tea's on the counter." Lockwood smirked, nodding over toward the purple mug that sat next to the fridge. Daniel walked over, picking up the mug and savoring the minty taste it brought as she leaned back against the counter. "As for this 'death' the skull speaks of, I say bring it on. Nothing we can't handle together." 

"I'll go back to bed then, shall I?" George offered as he came through the door. 

"I meant all of us." 

George grabbed a mug and the container of coffee grounds from the table beside Lucy, planning on making his morning coffee. 

"Well, there's no time for that. You can grab one en route to the archives." Lockwood dismissed, making his way from the table and back toward the door. 

"I thought we were going to the cemetery?" George sighed, letting go of the mug. 

"We are. Come on." Anthony urged Lucy and Daniel. 

"Sorry George." Daniel frowned, putting her half empty mug in the sink. 

"I need you to go down to the archives, and find out everything you can about the mirror and Bickerstaff." Lockwood addressed George, though his eyes were on Daniel as she and Lucy walked up to him. "Today is make or break."

"Only 'cause you turned this job into a pissing contest." George said, stopping Anthony in his tracks.

"Not still in a mood about that, are you?"

"Did you forget what we went through to save this place? If I have to tell my parents I've lost another job because you and Kipps-"

"We won't lose." 

"Won't we? How do you know? Are you psychic now? You're telling me I don't have time even to drink a coffee, let alone actually assess the crime scene." 

"Okay. Enough." Lucy butt in. "George, come with us. Suss out the scene, then go to the archives and work your magic." Anthony took that as his moment to reach for the door again. "And, Lockwood." Lucy stopped him, "Make an effort. Give him two quid for a coffee."

Anthony grumbled before taking two notes and handing them to George. 


Daniel ended up getting a tea when they were at the coffee shop for George, a strawberry milk tea. She quite liked how sweet it was compared to her normal peppermint tea. When they got to the cemetery, all they could hear were leaves and the siren of a DEPRAC van driving through. They kept walking to the main path, only to see Kipps's crew getting out of the yellow vehicle. "Oh, shit." Anthony huffed, coming to a stop. "There goes our edge." The team continued forward, Anthony clearly irritated by the Fittes agents' presence.

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