VIII - Night Terror

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Daniel jumped up, sticky sweat clinging her hair to her face and her breaths frantic. Something was very wrong. She didn't know what, but she could just tell. Something wasn't right.

There was a burning in her chest and her throat felt like it was closing up. She tried to feel around for anything, hoping to ground her racing mind, but nothing worked. She could feel the bed under her but nothing felt familiar. It was all different, all strange.

She could hear fast paced footsteps in the hall. She wanted to get closer, find out what was going on, find out what was so wrong. So she moved her legs off the bed and tried to stand. She was wobbly, so much so that she fell into Lockwood's nightstand. The glass mug she had brought her tea up in a few hours prior shattered against the ground. Daniel's vision was hazy, not helping with her feelings of disassociation. It was all so painful. She could hardly breath. Her forehead pressing against her wall was the only thing to stop her from falling flat on her face. She was on her knees from her stumble, palms and legs resting on the broken glass of the discarded mug. She could feel the shards sticking into her body, small pricks of blood clearly leaving her skin, but she still couldn't see it. She could hardly see anything but faint, buzzing colors.

"Lockwood, wake up!" Daniel's head snapped around, trying to find the source of the broken voice. In doing this, she fell further so that her shoulder was twisted uncomfortably, pressed between the night stand and the wall. She saw something blur across her vision. Movement. But she couldn't make it out. "She's here."

Daniel felt her throat close up, pressure encompassing her muscles. She let out a choked noise, gagging on her own oxygen. Or, lack there of.

"Dani?" The brunet male muttered.

"No- Not- Not Daniel! Annabel Ward. You know, the ghost from Sheen Road. Come on, where's your kit bag?"

"Downstairs. Grab those boots." There was a shuffle and then a pause. "Lucy, where's Daniel?"

The brunette against the wall saw her vision go black, her head feeling weightless. "Loc-" She tried her best to get out the man's name but it just came out as a broken breath.

"I- I don't know, asleep?"

Daniel's vision blinked in and out, a fuzzy-green that coated everything coming into view before switching itself out with black once again.

"Shit, Dani." Lockwood's voice was tense, heavy footsteps making their way over to where she was laying on the floor. Strong hands held the brunette's head up, grabbing a hold of her shoulder and turning her into something much softer than the wall.

"L- Locks?" Daniel was able to choke out, her throat still constricted.

"Yeah, I'm here." He whispered. "Are you bleeding?"

She only hummed, a surprisingly happy tone for her current state. Maybe it would be alright. He was there, she wasn't alone.


Daniel couldn't bring herself to show him much less say it. She bought her hands up to her throat to try and pry the pressure away from her neck, though it only served to smear the blood along her throat. "Can't-"

"Can't what?" Lockwood shook his head, cradling her cheek to try and see her better.

"Lockwood, we have to go!" Daniel's attention shifted over, her eyes darting around to try and find the source of the voice. All she could see was darkness.

"Shit." He breathed out. "Dani, can you stand?"

The brunette squeezed her eyes shut, blinking them open a few times to return her vision. It partially worked, a hazy outline of Anthony in her sights. She nodded. "Y- Yeah."

[ Glow ] ~ Anthony Lockwood x OCWhere stories live. Discover now