XXVI - Real Agents

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"Okay, let's keep our wits about us tonight. We do not want to get jumped by relic men." Lockwood said from just beside Daniel. He had his hand absentmindedly on her knee as his other arm leaned against the window.

"Who even keeps those arseholes in business? I don't understand." Lucy said.

"There's a lot of rich, twisted bastards out there who want something to scandalize their equally twisted mates." Lockwood answered.

Daniel paused for a second before shrugging. "I mean- George steals sources for research." 

"One source." George cut off. 

Daniel simply smirked before she continued on. "These guys just do it for money." 

"Are you really defending-" Anthony sighed.

"What? It's honest work. . .kind of." Daniel reasoned. 

"It's so messed up." Lucy shook her head.

"But not surprising." George agreed, somewhat, with Daniel. "Sources are fascinating and illegal. Put those two things together, there's your black market." 

"See! George gets it." 

"Well now- I wasn't agreeing with you, I was simply-"

Daniel shakes her head. "You can't take it back now." 

Lockwood sighed. "It's a ruthless one for sure. Relic men are the scum of the Earth." There was a crowd outside the taxi the team was in, chanting with signs. 

"Didn't Kipps say the same about you-"

"Shut up, Dani." Lockwood seethed. 


Anthony sighed, shaking his head softly. "No, I'm sorry. But by and large. . .they'll kill you without hesitation. So, if you see one, run." 

"This lot are almost as crazy." George said, looking out the window. 

"Who are they?" Lucy asked.

Daniel sighed dramatically, shaking her head. "Oh, Luce. Only the worst people you ever will meet. They worship the problem." 

George nodded. "Ghost cult. They think instead of fighting visitors, we should be welcoming them in." Someone started tapping on the glass and Daniel flinched away, inching closer to Anthony. "They're the Venn diagram intersection for noisy, angry, and deliberately thick." 

An egg was thrown, shattering against the window. Lucy gasped. 

"So kind, honestly." Lockwood called sarcastically, waving to them. "Sorry, there's no autographs tonight. Thank you, though." 

The protestors continued to bang on the windows as the team drove past and into the gates of the grave yard. Unsurprisingly, the gates shut behind the taxi, locking the Problem Worshipers on the outside. Daniel let out a tight breath she didn't realize she was keeping trapped, relaxing more into her seat. 

"You okay, Dans?" George glanced over at her, noticing the not so subtle change in her body language. 

"Yeah- Yeah. . .I just hate, bleh." She shook her head, leaning it back against the headrest behind her. 

"You hate. . .bleh?" George questioned, his face showing his clear confusion.

"Attention." She shrugged. George nodded, looking back out the window. Lockwood's hand that was still on Daniel's knee squeezed slightly, as if to reassure her. 

Daniel gave him a thankful smile as the taxi pulled to a stop. 

"That was horrible." Lucy huffed once they were out of the car, walking through the foggy graveyard with their torches out in front of them. 

[ Glow ] ~ Anthony Lockwood x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon