XXXVI - Fuzzy Feelings

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"What are you doing?" Daniel smiled, laughing as Anthony took her hand, guiding her through a waltz. Why in the world were they waltzing? Daniel couldn't tell you if her life depended on it. The man had simply pulled her up from her comfortable spot in her bed and started leading her through the dance. No music, no mention of what he was doing, he simply did. To be honest, Daniel couldn't explain half the things Lockwood did. He was an anomaly, in the best possible way. Why Anthony Lockwood even knew how to Waltz was all that was going through Daniel's head at the time. Back right. Side-step left. Right foot into the left. Back left. Back to the right. Close left to right. Repeat. Daniel's steps fumbled slightly and she fell, but Lockwood wasted no time at all to catch her with his usual over-confident smirk. She laughed again, shaking her head  at his expression before going back into the steps of the dance that she hadn't done in years. 

"It seems as though I'm sweeping a beautiful girl off her feet." Was the only reply Daniel got back. Her smile only grew at those cheesy words, a laugh escaping her throat as Lockwood led her into a spin. He caught her with a hand rested on her lower back and a grin on his face. The two held that stance, Anthony holding Daniel up with just his arm around her back. 

"Hi." Daniel whispered softly, a shy smile on her face as she looked up at him.

"Hi." Lockwood replied, his eyes glued to her clear blue gaze. 

"Is there a reason for this dance?" Daniel tilted her head softly. Lockwood nodded, his eyebrows raising with his wordless confirmation. Daniel waited a moment for Lockwood to say something, anything to explain. When no words came from his grinning mouth, Daniel scoffed out a laugh and smiled. "And. . .what is that reason?" 

His smirk only grew as he pulled Daniel up slightly, leaning himself down to press a slow kiss to her mouth. They sat there for a moment, their lips moving carefully against one another. When they pulled away, Daniel looked up into his eyes and smiled at him, a soft, careful look on her face. "Because you wanted me to." He whispered. 

"I did?" Daniel tilts her head slightly, blinking away the crimson haze in her eyes. "What makes you think I wanted you to. . .y'know. . ."

"Because you told me." Lockwood smiled, his tone low as he ran the back of his hand across her jaw. 

"I didn't tell you-" Daniel started only to get cut off by Anthony.

"Shhh. . .just enjoy it." He mumbled softly, carefully leading her head against his chest as they continued dancing. 

Something was off. . .this wasn't right. It wasn't necessarily bad. . .it just felt wrong. It was so calm, peaceful. But Daniel had this itching feeling that she wasn't supposed to be smiling and laughing with Lockwood. She felt like she should be screaming at him, like the very sight of him should make her want to wretch. . .but why was that? Everything felt so fuzzy, warm. . .yet the pit in her stomach wouldn't go away, it was eating at her. This wasn't real. Just like that, the room around them faded away and eventually so did Lockwood. 


Her eyes opened and there was her bedroom. Nothing else. No comforting dancing, no Anthony's smile, no peace. Just the reality of what was happening. That she was pissed at Lockwood for agreeing to practically sell her to Kipps if they didn't find the glass mirror thing before he had. With a groan and a sigh, Daniel pushed herself out from under her covers and padded toward her bedroom door. The wood tile was cold against her bare feet and she almost wanted to turn around and grab socks or something before heading down to the kitchen. But she was too tired and was almost afraid that if she turned back into her room she'd just end up back in bed. 

Daniel found herself downstairs, boiling a kettle on the stove. A yawn escaped her throat as she rest her elbows on the counter, resting her eyes as she waited for the water to heat. It was mostly silent in the kitchen, save for the crackle of the stove, the whispers of the air outside and the whirring of cars as they passed on the street above. It was so. . .calming. So quiet. Until Anthony had to ruin that. "Making tea?" 

Daniel jumped slightly, turning to look at him with wide eyes. She hadn't heard his footsteps before. "Shit, Lockwood-" Her eyes scanned over him, he was in grey sweatpants and a black tank top. Her eyes snapped back to his when she heard his voice again. 

"What, no 'Locks'?" He gave a half, sad looking smirk. 

"No. I'm mad at you." She huffed, turning back to face the counter. 

"You're mad at me? For what? I don't get what's got you so upset-" Lockwood sighed, coming up to stand just behind Daniel. She could practically hear him tugging his hand through his hair. 

"Just go away, Lockwood." She sighed. 

"Dani, talk to me. Please." Lockwood put his hand on her shoulder, gently turning her to face him. His voice was soft and gentle, full of meaning and care. They were so close that Lockwood could feel her breath on his chin as he looked down on her.

"You're willing to give me away. . ." Daniel whispered, finally making eye contact.

"What-" His breath hitched, his eyes closing softly as he shook his head. "No, never." Lockwood's hands came to rest on the sides of her face. 

"You made that stupid deal with Kipps. And if we don't win-"

"We're going to beat him." 

Daniel gave Lockwood a look before continuing. "And if we don't win, you agreed that I would go back to Fittes and you didn't even talk to me about it first. And to me. . .it just sounds like you don't care if I work for you or there. . ." 

"No, that's not it at all, Daniel. I'm confident in our abilities, is all. And I promise that no matter what, you're not going back to Fittes." Lockwood assured, running his thumbs along her cheekbones. 

"How can you be sure?" She asked softly, faint tears in her eyes. 

"Because we have you and we have Lucy and we have me. And we also have George, as much of an idiot as he is." 

Daniel snorted a small laugh, a tear passing her waterline. Lockwood wiped it away, catching it with his thumb. "And all of us together are going to figure it out and find that stupid artifact before Kipps and his group of dimwits even get a chance." 

"Your confidence is annoying." Daniel mumbled. 

"Oh, you love it." He grinned in response, leaning down so her forehead was resting against his own. 

"Mmm. . .maybe." She bit back a smile. Her kettle started whistling but she stood there, looking him in the eye. It was so peaceful, like in her dream. Just less waltzing. . .Daniel closed her eyes, basking in the comfort he provided her. 

After a couple of minutes Lockwood let out a soft sigh, kissing Daniel on the forehead before he pulled away and took the kettle off the fire. "Come on, let's get you your tea and get back to bed."

"Okay." Daniel mumbled, yawning softly and grabbing two mugs. 

"Are you still mad at me?" 

"Yes. . .but not as much." She admit, watching as he poured the boiling water into their mugs. He put a peppermint tea bag in the purple mug and a black tea bag into the black mug. With a small smile, Lockwood pulled Daniel into his side and started guiding her back toward the stairs to go toward his room. 


Word Count - 1,317


Published - January 16, 2023


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