It's Not Like I Like You! (J x N Fluff)

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It was another successful night of hunting. The murder drones had managed to reach their quota early. Of course, J and V would keep hunting, but N had other things in mind. He'd try asking V out, but she just ran away. He didn't want to spend his free time alone, so maybe he could ask J! Sure, she could be mean, but they did well this week! Tonight it might be different!

"Hey J!" N said out loud, approaching his leader. Out of surprise, J immediately slapped him. "Heh, ow."

"What is it, N?"

"Can we hang out?"

J looked at N. That was surprising. Usually, N would bother V. J felt a little joy that he would decide to hang with her instead of the psycho. But she doesn't like him!

"We have work N."

"We passed our quota already. Why not just have a day for fun?"

"No, end of discussion."

Usually, N would stop annoying her, but he persisted this time.

"Please?" His screen displayed golden puppy eyes. J winced, and her screen had a yellow tint by her cheeks.

"Why don't you annoy V?"

"I tried," N looked down in despair, "but she would just run off and acts like I don't exist."

J usually wouldn't care, but this time a sliver of sympathy entered her circuits.

"Fine. But you have to pull your weight tomorrow!"

N's tail wagged out of joy, leading J to smile slightly. Yeah, N was an idiot, but he's a cute idiot. J didn't know what exactly she got into, but when N grabbed her hand, she mistook her artificial heart skipping a beat as a bad sign. He took her to a clearing in the city that might have been a park in a past life. J looked up at the night sky. The beautiful shine of the ringed planet Copper-9 orbited lit up. N let out his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"I just want to try something," N gave his oh-so-innocent smile.

J reluctantly took his hand. N pulled J closer and carefully moved his feet. At first, J was confused. Then she heard her squadmate humming a familiar song. N was trying to dance with J.

"Where did you learn that song?" J said quietly.

"I don't know, but I like it." N's smile made J's blush brighter. As the dance continued, their hands slowly intertwined. It felt nice, a bit too nice. J pulled away, looking down. N stared and asked: "Is something wrong?"

"We should be hunting, not whatever this is!"

"Come on. You've been stressed out by work and deserve a break."

J wanted to interject, but she couldn't say no to him right now. She gave a heavy sigh.

"Fine," J put out her hand.

N wasn't hesitant to take her hand once again, dancing faster. At first, J was stumbling, but later the movement came to her naturally. They both lived in the moment, not caring what happened. J spun around and got pulled tightly into N's chest. He gave his usual adorable smile, and J felt her core beat harder. They two stared at each other and then out into the sky. Their date had been cut short from the day starting. As they returned to their home, J uttered something she never thought she'd ever say.

"Maybe we can hang out tomorrow...?"

N's face lit up with joy. "Really?"

"It's not like I like you! Okay?"

"Well, what do you want to do tomorrow? We can go out and find some cool human outfits to try on! I can become dapper N!"

"That sounds stupid." J's face had a deadpan expression.

"Okay, how about we go to the wood and start a campfire!" J's expression said everything, leaving a defeated N. "We can think of something tomorrow."

N went to his side of the pod where he slept. He didn't feel like hanging upside-down and decided to lie on his back. As he got comfortable, N felt something lying on him. He looked down to see an embarrassed J.

"Tell anyone, and you're dead."

N gave a smile and nodded, wrapping his arms around J tightly. When he went into rest mode, J couldn't help but bury her face into his coat with her tail wagging happily.

When V entered later, she just stared at the two. This moment wouldn't be the last time V felt upset at J and N being together.

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