At All Costs

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Ruckus could be heard down the echoing halls of the prison. A guard wheeled a cart of meals down towards the last hall, to solitary confinement where they kept the most evil of inmates. He stopped in front of a steel door and slid the small hatch open, sliding the tray through.

" Clayborn, grub time," said the guard.

The young man didn't look up from his book. Jace had been deep into this book since the guard had seen him last. He had never heard of the book, but it had an interesting name. Paradise Island. An anonymous fan had sent Jace a copy and he couldn't put it down. The guard angrily banged on the door with his baton.

" You hear me boy?!" said the guard angrily. " Come get it before I take it back and starve ya."

Jace snapped the book shut and set it down beside him. He didn't say a word as he grabbed the tray of food. The guard listened as the boy whistled and walked back to his bed, humming the familiar tune of Skin by Colby Brock. To say that Jace was obsessed was an understatement.

It was late into the night as several guards were on patrol around the various halls of the prison. Two guards made their way down the solitary confinement hall, shining their flashlights into the small hatches, checking to see that the inmates were asleep, but also behaving. Another guard slid open the hatch to Jace's cell and couldn't see the boy. The guard had seen this trick before, they would hide on the side, press themselves against the wall in hopes that a guard would come in and check on them. This however, wasn't their first rodeo.The guard made his way back to the security room and stepped up beside the guard at the computer.

" Pull up Clayborn's cell, see where he's hiding," said the guard. "Cell 8345."

" You got it boss," said the security guard.

The guard watched as he pulled up the cameras and zoomed in on Jace's cell. He was nowhere to be found.

" No, that's impossible," yelled the guard. " Code red! We have a Code red!"

The place went frantic as the guards searched for the escaped inmate, in disbelief that he had even escaped at all. Suddenly, the lights of the prison were cut and all of the cells were opened, and so began the riots. Inmates and guards were fighting left and right and it had given Jace the chance he needed to slip by unseen.

" Pleasure doing business with you," said Jace, to the security guard.

He had blackmailed this guard long ago, he had his ways. Jace however had help this time, he didn't know from whom, but he was glad he also had fans.

Jace strolled through the courtyard. Several guards had tried to detain him but were too occupied trying to fight off other inmates. One guard spoke into his walkie talkie, alerting them to Jace's escape.

However, Jace had planned ahead. No one knew how. Jace had a reputation and for that he was feared. He also had a knack and a passion for blackmail. I guess you could say it runs in the family. Jace happily strolled out of the prison gates, whistling his favorite tune. Just as he had planned, the escape car was waiting for him. He slid into the driver's seat and started the engine, smirking.

"Let the games begin," said Jace, as he drove off into the distance.

A few days later...

Colby Brock panted heavily as he stepped into the foyer of their Vegas home. He had just gone for a hike and he was feeling better than ever. It had taken months for him and Sam to get back to their normal lives after Jace's incident, but luckily everything had worked out. Colby was also super excited because he and Sam were having a huge party at their house that night. Sam and Colby had invited several of their friends, and some even drove down from LA to attend.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 10 ⏰

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