The Power Of Love

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*** I've always wondered what would happen if Sam and Colby met these fellow ghost hunters. So now, I give you the crossover you never knew you needed. Also, I would suggest reading the following one shots before reading this one: The Deal, The Empath. Enjoy!*** -JM

Sam and Colby quietly made their way to the door of the abandoned/haunted house. Sam gently held the camera while Colby was in front of him, explaining where they were and giving a little bit of history on the house. Of all the haunted places they had ever visited, this one was the creepiest. It was full of apparitions, demons and doors that slam and lock on their own. It was everyone's worst nightmare, but Sam and Colby lived for these kinds of places. The most famous ghost was a young woman named JoJo. She had apparently been murdered in the house many, many years ago and people constantly saw her. She was a very vengeful spirit. Colby walked up to the door of the house. It was all taped off and the door was locked.

"Looks like we'll have to find another way in," said Colby.

" Seems we can add B&E to our sentence along with trespassing," laughed Sam.

" Relax," said Colby. " Most people have completely forgotten this place is even here," said Colby.

They quickly hurried over to a broken window. Getting rid of the remaining glass, Colby hoisted himself through. He quickly grabbed the camera and Sam followed him in. Once they were both through, he and Sam began filming once again.

" Dude, we actually did it," said Sam.

" I know," said Colby. " This is gonna be one for....did you hear that?"

" I did," said Sam. " Dude, is someone else here?"

" That's impossible," said Colby. " There's no other way in."

Sam and Colby both stiffened, hearing the footsteps grow closer. They screamed as two guys rounded the corner. These guys were much older than Sam and Colby. They shuttered as they saw the weapons in their hands.

" Woah," said one of the guys, jumping when he saw them.

" Who are you?" asked the other guy. His hair was much longer.

"I'm Colby," he replied. " This is my friend Sam."

The long-haired guy looked at Sam as soon as he saw the camera. " Wait a second, are you filming?" he asked.

The short-haired guy looked at both of them. "Are you two GhostFacers?" he asked, annoyed.

" What's a GhostFacer?" asked Colby.

" It's immature kids like you who think you can handle ghosts," said the short-haired guy.

" We're paranormal investigators," Sam replied.

" Sure ya are," said the short-haired guy. He quickly snactched the camera from Sam's hand, shutting it off.

" Hey, give that back!" said Sam. "Who do you think you are?"

" I'm Dean Winchester," said the short-haired guy. " This is my brother Sam."

" Oh, like The Winchester Mystery House," said Colby.

" The what?" asked Dean.

" The Winchester Mystery House?" explained Colby. "Sarah Winchester?"

" They invented the Winchester rifle," said both Sams at the exact same time. They both looked at each other.

" Oh my god, there's two of them," said Dean, annoyed. " Look, you kids need to leave, okay? You have no idea what you're messing with here."

" Sorry, but we're not leaving until we get footage for our video," said Colby.

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