CHAPTER 16: Hospital

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Ash's POV:

She stood up from the couch and started walking towards her room but then turned around and said to me "You wanted us to behave as roommates, right? No need to behave any longer. We are just roommates from now on actually. Whatever terms and conditions you applied to me, the same goes for you too."

I didn't have the courage to utter a single word instead I just looked at her red teary eyes.

I made her feel like this. I deserve her hatred.
I really have hurt her so much that no matter what I feel inside, it won't change anything.

Little princess, trust me I won't ever want to hurt you but I have to make you stay away from me for your safety. I already lost my sister and another special person but now I can't lose you. Even if it breaks me into a thousand pieces for getting away from you, I'll still put your safety first.

I looked at her as she slammed the door shut and now I'm left alone here on the couch.
I stood up and walked inside my room and closed the door.

As I entered the room, my mind went back to that statement where she mentioned a guy who threatened her to stay away from me. Who else wants her to stay away from me and why?
Was that person there to hurt her? No, if this is the reason then he wouldn't have told her to stay away from me or I'm unsafe for her.

Am I doing right with her or with myself by distancing us from each other? Jesus! Please show me some other way where I don't have to hurt her. I hate seeing tears in her eyes and that too because of me.

I was laying on my bed when a loud breaking sound of glass came from her bedroom. I ran towards her room and luckily the door wasn't locked.

There were small pieces of mirror glass shattered all over the floor and few drops of blood too. I gasped looking at her. She was sitting on the floor with her knees and her arms around them. Her head was resting on her arms which was around her legs and her fingers were covered with blood and was bleeding too. Without wasting another minute I ran towards her but she stopped me showing her palms to me and said in a harsh tone "don't even think of taking another step closer to me! I am fine, I'm absolutely fine."

I looked at her a for a moment.

"You are not fine Yuri, look at yourself! Your hands are bleeding heavily. Let me take you to the hospital." I walked towards her but she shouted again and started standing up but failed "I-I don't need your fucking help. Don't act as if you care for me or something and leave me the fuck alone."

Everytime she was trying to get up, she stumbled. She failed in her every attempt.
"Let me help you." I said in a low voice.

"Stay away from me, don't touch me!" She protests but this doesn't long until she starts feeling dizzy. He eyes were opening and closing every now and then while she was trying hard to balance her sitting position atleast.

She was getting weak so ignoring her protests to leave her I took her up in a bridal style and headed outside the house and then to the car. She has lost a lot of blood.

I made her sit in the passenger's seat and fastened her seat belt. I felt her blue soft teary eyes on me. My heartbeat was running like a rollercoaster! Seeing her covered with blood isn't what I ever wanted in a million years. It is hurting the hell out of me.

I drove the car straight to the hospital. She is unconscious. I screamed my lungs out for the doctors and nurses to come and make her conscious and stop her nerves' bleeding.

"Please check her! She has been bleeding for the last two hours."
"Wake her up doctor, please!"
I pleaded and few came to check her but then moved away saying they had other patients to deal with while many rushed saying their patients are waiting for them.

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