045. setback

185 7 1

The three siblings are in August's room, Stella pacing while the younger two rest on the bed. August is sitting with his back against the headboard and Janie is lying with her head near the end of the bed and the two are tossing a baseball back and forth.

"Do you think dad's on to us?" August asks.

"We've been inquisitive." Stella says. "Nostalgic, really, about family history."

"About Uncle Hoyt's criminal history, with extremely pointed follow up questions." August says.

"Well, if we're lucky, maybe he'll just think we're trying to be criminals." Janie shrugs.

"I don't think that's lucky." August argues.

"Look, we took some risks these last few days, but Geri finally gave us a name. And it sounds like this Mehar guy ran with Hoyt five years back." Stella says. "So, if Hoyt stole the necklace, maybe they did it together. And now we just got to find Mehar today. You still have his jacket. I know you've been looking for a chance to return that to him, right? Make a new friend."

"Okay. Look, Aunt Geri gave me that jacket, all right?" August says, sitting up. "It's sentimental. I'm not giving it back."

"Augie, somebody broke into my dorm and put a threat on my window." Stella says.

"Well, now you're trying to make me sound like a jerk." August complains as Stella leaves. Janie gets up, going to follow, but Stella shuts the door behind herself. August rolls to the other side of the bed, getting up.

"Really?" Janie remarks, opening the door.

"Thanks for the door." August mutters.

The three go downstairs where Cordell and Geri are setting up breakfast.

"Ah-ha-ha. There they are. Good morning to you." Cordell greets. "Slept late enough, you think?"

"It's 7 in the morning. What, were we supposed to get up at 4?" Janie questions.

"It is 7:30 and I have not had any coffee." Stella says. "Can we take it down, like, ten percent, dad?" He laughs.

"What exactly is... all this?" August asks, motioning to the full breakfast.

"Well, your father had an idea." Geri says. "He had a lot of ideas. I kept him on planet Earth. You're welcome."

"I was kinda looking forward to cereal, but this is cool, too." Janie mumbles.

"Yeah. This is the start of our family makeup day for the bust that was your winter break." Cordell says. "And Stella, you're back off to college tomorrow. Augie, you're starting your final semester of senior year. Janie, you're in your final semester of being a junior, and Geri is heading up to Oklahoma City to scout locations for Side Step number two. So, I figured, you know, we got to-- got to rally before... back to reality."

"I wouldn't call it a complete bust. I caught up on some sleep." Stella says.

"That is always important." Janie comments.

"Also, is this bacon far game?" August asks.

"Okay, that-- that seems like a bit of selective memory, Stella." Cordell says. "I mean, you had strep when we wanted to cut down the Christmas tree, you bailed out on that Swirth and Moore museum thing at UCAS. I mean, we didn't even make it to a single movie in the theaters. What is happening to us?"

"And believe me when I tell you, that list started out much longer." Geri says.

"Oh, no, I believe you. Easiest thing to believe." Janie quips.

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