010. hoyt's last dream

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"Hey, uh, Uncle Hoyt never said anything about a secret hideout, right?" August asks.

"No, I think it was more about a place, you know, a dream." Geri says.

"Yeah." August sighs. "Hey, uh, didn't you get the sleigh around here? Yeah, it-- it was that Christmas where the reindeer came and-- and--"

"Pooped everywhere." Geri says, everybody laughing and grimacing.

"Yeah, I-I do remember that." Cordell says. "Hoyt scooped up shovelfuls of horse manure from the stables and scattered it all over the place. "Rudolph pooped on our porch!""

"Oh, my God, you two were so juvenile together." Stella remarks.

"Oh, come on." Cordell says.

"It wasn't just them. Your mom was way into it." Geri says. "Oh, and then, on Christmas morning..."

"Uncle Hoyt was on the front lawn in a real sleigh dressed as Santa." August says. "Yeah, it, uh, it took me seven years to realize that not all Santas wear assless chaps."

"Yeah." Cordell chuckles.

"That was the, uh, first Santa I remember." August says. Janie nods after a moment in agreement.

"Yeah." Cordell quietly says.


"Hey, dad." August calls. "Did you know that Uncle Hoyt had four horses and a llama?"

"Oh, my God, he is so cute it hurts." Stella gushes while petting the llama.

"Hi, buddy." Janie softly greets the llama, starting to pet it.

"Please tell me that those belong to the neighbors, correct?" Cordell asks.

"Mr. Rawlins sweet talked the seller into throwing in that family of outcasts." The realtor says. "The mare, she suckled that odd duck stray, raised it as her own.

"Well, sounds like Hoyt's kind of family." Geri comments.

"Well, they're yours now." The woman states. "But you got to get them off the property by tonight." Her phone rings. "I'm s-- I've gotta take this. And, hey, if you're looking for a four bedroom for yourself and the kids..."

"Yeah, no, we're not." Geri shakes her head. "Uh, where am I gonna board four horses and a llama?"

"Uh..." Cordell looks around.

"Well, we do live on a ranch." Janie remarks.

"Janie Bug--" Cordell starts, the girl glaring, knowing he's about to argue.

"Dad, come on, these are Uncle Hoyt's." August says.

"His last dream." Stella adds. "That is what you said. So... they're apart of that dream."

"Yeah, are you really gonna disrespect your late best friend like that?" Janie questions.

"Girls..." Cordell starts.

"I mean..." Geri starts. "Maybe we need a distraction.

"Like what? You want to-- want to take 'em on a cattle drive or something?" Cordell asks.

"I don't know." Geri shrugs. The siblings smile at each other. "Let's do it."

"Wait, but there's only four horses. Five of us." Janie says.

"Well, Janie, you know how it works... youngest gets the short end of the stick." Cordell says.

"Oh, come on." She groans. "Why can't one of them share with somebody else?"

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