025. 40 years

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Everybody is preparing breakfast for Abilene and Bonham's anniversary.

"Whoa! What's goin on? What is this?" Bonham asks as he and Abilene walks downstairs.

"40 years. We're celebrating." Cordell states.

"Is that scarlet sage?" Abilene asks.

"It sure is." Cordell smiles.

"I loved how it grew wild near the porch at home." Abilene smiles. fondly.

"Where do you think we got it?" August chuckles. "Little anniversary trespassing."

"He's kidding." Stella assures. "You are, right?" She asks her brother.

"Okay, scooch." Abilene squeezes between her granddaughters. "I mean, this all looks beautiful, but, uh, we're a little particular about our bacon."

"No, mama, please, go and relax outside." Liam tells her. "We know how dad likes bacon."

"Why don't we get you situated outside?" Stella suggests.

"Outside." Cordell agrees.

"Make 'em happy. Go outside." Bonham says as they all practically lead Abilene outside and Bonham follows. The youngest two follow them out, setting some of the stuff up.

"All right. Enjoy." August tells them as he and Janie go back inside. August shuts the door.

"Getting showered with love is exactly what mama needs right now." Cordell says.

"Whatever gets your annoying concern off of me." Janie quips.

"I wouldn't be too sure it's off of you entirely." Cordell warns making the blonde roll her eyes. "Uh, let's just go over the plan again."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna get the bubbly." Liam says. "Trey actually told me about a place here in town that deals rare wines, so... he's in Vegas with his mom, but..." Liam looks at Cordell who is focused on his phone.

"Bubbles?" Cordell asks.

"Yes." Liam nods.

"Good. Great. Check." Cordell puts his phone up. "Uh, kids?"

"Don't ruin the surprise. Uh, be on time. And, uh, yeah, I think we got it." August says.

"And we may have a little something else planned for them as well." Stella adds.

"Yeah?" Cordell asks, Stella humming in confirmation. "Awesome. Oh, one more thing, uh, Cassie wants to tag along today, so we'll have all hands on deck, plus one."

"Well, she can ride with me. Love to get a chance to meet your newest victim." Liam jokes.

"Great. Let's do it. Divide and conquer." Cordell says. They all divide.


The three siblings are sitting outside of the Side Step and putting together flower arrangements. August chugs some of his drink and then burps. Stella and Janie share a grimace.

"You're gross." Stella declares.

"Speaking of gross -- how's the drama?" August asks.

"I'm sorry, the what?" Stella asks.

"Oh, you know, that little love triangle you seem to find yourself in that, you know, seems to threaten to destroy not only my band, but, like, the only real guy friends I've had in a while. Not to make it about me or anything."

"Yeah, definitely not making it about you." Stella says sarcastically.

"Do you realize the guy friends you ever have are Stella's potential boyfriends?" Janie notes. "Maybe you should get out there more. You know, get a life."

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