ꨄ Chapter 13 ꨄ

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The chilling darkness was seeping into her bones and the utter blackness was making her shiver and heart pound with unease. The only thing that was grounding her from panicking was the warmth coming from the tight grasp of his hands around her waist.

But the demon could see perfectly in the pitch black, his purple eyes gleaming and watching her intensely. Every cease and reaction on her small face was clear to him. He found himself noticing every tiny details...the cease near her tightly closed eyes, especially the mole under her eye that he noticed, her small pointed nose, her-

He blinked several times, focusing his mind on his shadows rather than the distracting blonde in his arms.

As the dreadful darkness was gone, Lisa released the breath she was holding on and pushed on his chest. She was aiming to use her light again like she had done before but Jungkook must have seen her intention on her face for he had quickly let go off her waist and backed away from her range of touch.

"You!" Lisa glared at the man, pointing a finger at him in outrage.

He looked at her smugly, proud that he was able to not fall for her tricks.

"Yes, me. The sin of Pride. Wouldn't you like to kiss the back of your lord's hand?" He said mockingly as he forwarded one of his hands as if to lend for a kiss.

She swatted the hand away, her nose flaring up in more anger. "You insufferable n-"

Mingyu noticed the commotion that they had created. His face instantly loses all its annoyance the moment his eyes fall on Pride. "L-Lisa?" He said, stuttering while doing so.

Lisa turned her eyes away from Jungkook to look at him. Her anger instantly left her face as she acknowledged his presence with surprise. She had forgotten that they weren't alone.

"Hey, Mingyu..." awkwardness lacing her voice.

His eyes darted between her to the dark presence behind her and then back at her.

The horrified look on the man's face told her Mingyu could see the demon. That meant the demon wasn't hiding his presence.

Jungkook looked at the man sharply, Mingyu swallowed, his eyes quickly straying away and tried his best not to even peak at the demon but it was difficult when the demon himself was sending fiery daggers on his way with his dark eyes.

Pride didn't hide the true nature of his eyes this time, which made him all the more terrifying. Those purple eyes will surely haunt him in his dreams if Mingyu continues to stare at them. So he looked away and stumbled his way out of his chair, almost tripping it and reaching the door out of his office.

"I will be taking a short walk outside. Call me when...you are done talking with the gentleman." He told her, without looking back, existing out of the room hurriedly.

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