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It's morning now ,  all the brothers are done with their breakfast and they are ready to leave for their respective works .

As their parents are coming afternoon. So they are also planning to come home before lunch .

Jungkook is also getting ready for college . Finally after so many days his going .

Jungkook sit in the backseat of the car , and namjoon sit on the passenger seat while taehyung was in driver seat . Others already left in their own car .

Whole ride was silent but sometimes namjoon and taehyung was talking about random stuffs but jungkook was in completely quiet . As he was thinking something deeply , well not something but someone .

His mind was clouded about lisa's thoughts . He was afraid to face her again , although taehyung told him that she is suspended but still he was afraid for some reason .

It's been so many days that lisa didn't contract him she also didn't blackmail or threatened him . His afraid that maybe she is planning something bigger .

But he is kinda confident that this time his brothers will be on his side . No matter how much dirty stunts she pull .

His train of thoughts broke when taehyung called him "Jungkook , jungkook "

He flinch slightly and look at his brothers who are giving him confused look .

"Yes hyung . What happened ? " jungkook asked confusedly .

"You tell us what happen to you . I was calling for straight five minutes , but you were on your own world . What were you thinking so deeply ? " taehyung asked while chuckling .

"No hyung nathing " he said and rub his neck in nervousness .

"Okey then come out of the car , we are already here " Namjoon said and three of them come out of the car .

As soon as they came out all the attention of the students automatically shift towards them . And why not they are the most handsome men in the whole campus .

As always they ignored the stares went on their own ways . Namjoon went to his own office , taehyung went to his own cabin . Where jungkook went to his own class .

Jungkook quietly sit on his usual place which is beside window . Other students wasn't sparing any glance to him as they know that he is lisa's property . She clearly warned them to not to talk with him . Neither to be friends with him .

And ofcourse they obeyed her because of fear as lisa belongs from a mafia family . So they just wanted to be in safe zone . And that is the reason jungkook doesn't have any friends .

Soon teacher comes in the classroom but she wasn't alone , there's two new boys who came along with the teacher .

Other students starts to gossip about them .

"Keep silence students" the teacher said and immediately all the students became quite "They are the new students of our class . Hope you guys will treat them well " she then turn to the boys and said "Now kids introduce yourselves "

"Hi everyone this is soobin . Nice to meet you all " one of the boy said .

"And this is kai . Hope we can be good friends . " another boy said who is little shorter than the other one .

"All right boys go and take you seats beside , umm.. jungkook " as soon as teacher said this all the students gasped . And why they won't because till now nobody dared to sit beside him because of lisa's threat .

𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒕 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌 Where stories live. Discover now