87: The Art Of Waiting (Simple Take To Life)

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Seconds to minutes
Days to weeks
Or months to years
It's hellish as it sounds
Yet only when it matters
Waiting means respect!
Patience is a virtue
It's a mile away from home
Sadness lingers as you remembers
But life must go on ,
So are you!
Along the road
Are blisters and wounds
Regrets and happiness
Like the breeze of the windy afternoon
Or the rain as it pours
Just breath as you could
Rest for a while now
And then walk again!
The destination still looms
The challenges makes you fall
But wait for you turn
Your time will come soon
Like a bamboo tree hanging
Through the heavy storms
I'll wait for my ride
As I learn the lessons
Being weak is not bad
But staying weak is
So where do the wind blows?
To tomorrow of course..
The art of waiting ,
Means living after all!

~ nniiwwpoetry ~ 05/09/24

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