first encounter

17 1 1

At midnight (xxx hospital)

Author's pov

It's already midnight. At this time people are sleepng comfortably on their soft bed but not everyone. There are some people here who are still awake and doing their duty. (Guess who...."Of course our doctors" ). Yn is also one of them who is busy in the operation room being tired doing her job.

Yn's POV

"Huuhhh Finally the operation was successful. Now I can take some rest." I am not a slacker. Actually my appointments have been going on since morning .that's why I'm so tired.I really want a peaceful sleep"
Thinking that now I could finally be free and take some rest, I came out of the operation room. I was going towards my cabin when my troublemaker, my junior or you can say my one and only best friend, met me on the way . Huhh Now what new trouble has this girl created?😑

Yuna -" ynaahhh You are here, I was looking for you everywhere"

Meet my one and only girl .Who is a trouble maker. She always creates some troubles and keeps getting scolded by dr. Shin who is our senior. And being her best friend, i have to save her from Dr. Shin's anger every time . I mean why not bro She is my one and only babe .
Yn - "Why, bro did you do something wrong again? Yuna, I'm telling you if you have done anything wrong this time, I swear I will not save you from dr. Shin "

Yuna - "babe Why are you talking like this? I was looking for you to give you your phone which you forgot in your cabin. Do you know how long aunty has been calling you?And instead of thanking me, you are scolding me" (pout)

Yn -  Aww I'm so sorry my drama queen. Actually, I am very tired today, so I scolded you a little, I thought that again you have created some new problem. But my drama queen was helping me. Ooooo soo sryyy baby🥺

Yuna - "Hey c'mon bro Don't be so clingy now" (She said with her eww face)

Yn - "hahahahaha .....At least you freshened up my mood by making me laugh with your scariest face"😂Hearing this, Yuna pouted again and said....
Yuna - "take your phone and talk to aunty, Don't tell me later that I didn't remind you" Showing fake anger, Yuna gave me my phone and said that she was going to Dr. Shin's office. And I also went to my cabin to talk to mom. I know she's worried about me and isn't asleep yet. She always worries about me because I never come home on time. So let me talk to my mom first.

A/ N pov

Taehyung - "Where is Jungkook? If he doesn't come on time, the situation will get out of our hands"

Jimin - "You pabo... just pay attention to these bastards, it is more important to deal with them" Jk is not here because he has gone to the hospital to see his dad. His father went to his friend's party .While returning home, his father's health suddenly deteriorated, due to which he had to be taken to the hospital.  That's why Jk had to leave the meeting midway. And you know that Jungkook loves his dad very much and he cannot leave him in such a situation"

Taehyung - " are right. Jungkook isn't here so they all have forgotten their place"😏

Jimin - "For now, we will have to handle these bastards. let's see what happens next".

Jk pov

Leaving my important meeting, I went to the hospital to see my dad.
Because my dad is more important to me than those fucking meetings. I know that after I leave from there, they will start showing their real faces. But I know that my two best friends, who are like my elder brothers, will take care of them in my absence.(devil smirk). After coming inside the hospital, I started going straight to the VIP room where my dad is. I was about to go inside the room, then someone held my hand. I looked back and saw a girl who looked like a doctor from this hospital. How dare she hold my hand. Before I could say anything to her, she asked, "who are you?"

Yn's POV

After talking to my mom, I went to Dr. Shin's office. To give him his files and tell him that I am going home as my shift is over. "May I come in ?"
Dr shin - Yes.

Yn - "Dr. Shin, here are your files" Before I could say anything ....he said,

Dr. Shin -  "Dr. yn, if you are going to ask to go home then don't... because you still have an appointment left."

Yn - "But Dr. Shin  I don't think I have any appointment left"

Dr. Shin - "It doesn't matter if you don't have an appointment, you can't go right now because you have to see a patient. A patient has just been admitted, go and check him and give me his reports."
I know that no matter how much I plead, he will not melt.

Yn - "Huhh rude as always 🙄"

Dr. Shin - did you say something Dr. Yn ?

Yn - "Haha I said as you say Dr. Shin. I will check the patients and give you their reports". Saying this I came out of the office and went to check the patient. Dr. Shin told that he is in the VIP room.

Time skip

Yn's POV

After giving the reports to Dr. Shin, when I was going to my cabin, I saw someone going to the VIP room.  He was about to go inside when I held his hand and asked ,
Yn - "Who are you? and how are you sneaking in without any permission? do you know the patient in this room?"

?? - "How dare you hold my hand" Saying this he jerks his hand.

Yn - " I asked you something. Tell me who are you?

?? - "I don't feel the need to tell you anything. Mind your own business "  He said very angrily and started going inside the room. But before he went inside, I stood in front of the door and said...
Yn - "excuse me Mr. Maybe you didn't hear me properly.....You can't go inside"

Another POV

Jk - "And who the hell are you to stop me?
Yn - "Well I think that along with your ears, your eyes are also bad"
Jk -  "Mind your words and get out of my way"
Yn - "I said NO"
Jk  - "What's your funking problem huh? Do you even know who I am?Jungkook said very angrily and irritated
Yn -  "Well, I don't need to know about you nor I am interest" Before he could say anything I said, "This is a hospital, not your home. There are some rules and regulations that everyone has to follow. And one of the rules is that you will not get entry in the VIP room unless you tell about the connection between you and the patient " (I don't know if there are any such rules but just imagine ok 😐🙂)

At this point Jungkook's anger has increased so much that if she says any word, his anger will explode like a volcano. And why wouldn't this happen, because No one even has the courage to raise their head in front of Jungkook. Everyone trembles at his name. And a simple girl has so much courage to stand fearlessly in front of him? This thing is attracting Jungkook somewhere. Because for the first time in his life someone has dared to speak in front of him without any fear. But more than that it is affecting his ego. And he doesn't like this at all.
Before Jungkook could say anything, Dr. Shin came and said...

Dr. Shin -  "mr. Jungkook you...Why did you bother coming here? " Dr. Shin said nervously Before bowing down.
Jk - "i have come here for my father...but this girl..."Jungkook said looking angrily at yn.
Dr. shin - "He is absolutely fine, he just needs some rest. Don't worry Mr. Jeon. you can meet him if you want"
Saying this, Dr. Shin passing his strict gaze at yn and said..
Dr. Shin - "meet me in my office right now "
Seeing Dr. Shin's behaviour, Yn thought it best to leave from there. Because she doesn't want to become a victim of dr. Shin's anger. And she left from there.
Dr. Shin -  "Mr. Jeon... please don't mind her. She's just like that, maybe she doesn't know you well. She will never come in your way again... I will take care of it"
Jk - "Good for her" Saying this, he went inside the room.

That's all for the first chapter. Did you find this interesting? Please let me know in the comments.

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Thanku 💜

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