Coastal Escape

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Episode 4: "Coastal Escape" 

 Ashton couldn't resist the allure of a spontaneous adventure with Max. They set off early Saturday morning, winding their way through scenic coastal roads, the ocean sparkling in the distance. As they drove, they shared stories, laughed, and got lost in conversation. 

 They discovered a shared fondness for old movies, indie music, and adventure novels. After a few hours they arrived at Bay Saint Louis, an artsy mellow coastal town, where they spent the day exploring hidden coves, watching seagulls soar overhead, and collecting seashells.

 As the sun began to set, they settled on a beach blanket, watching the stars twinkle to life. Max turned to Ashton, his eyes shining with warmth, and asked, "What do you think is the most beautiful thing in life?" Ashton's heart skipped a beat as he replied, "Moments like these, shared with someone special. "Max smiled, his face inches from Ashton's, and whispered, "I think you might be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, Ashton. "Ashton's heart raced as he realized the depth of his feelings for Max... 

Check in tomorrow for the continuing story of "Love In The Moment".

Sneak peak! Tomorrow's episode is titled "Whispers In the Night".

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