A Night To Remember

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Episode 3: "A Night to Remember"

Ashton and Max continued their captivating conversation, oblivious to the bustling wedding reception around them and Ashton completely forgetting all his work responsibilities. They exchanged numbers, and Max invited Ashton to an art gallery opening at New Orleans's most prestigious art gallery, "La Masion des Couleurs" ( The House Of Colors) the following night.

The next night Ashton arrived at the gallery punctually, and Max greeted him with a warm smile.

They spent the evening admiring art pieces and sharing stories, their chemistry growing more palpable by the minute. As the night wore on, they strolled through the city streets, enjoying the cool night air and each other's company. Max revealed his passion for photography, and Ashton shared his love for writing. Their walk led them to a picturesque park, where they sat on a bench, watching the stars twinkle above.

Max turned to Ashton, his eyes sparkling with sincerity, and asked, "Would you like to join me for a spontaneous road trip to the coast this weekend?"Ashton's heart raced at the prospect of a adventure with the charming Max and before he knew what he was doing he passionately kissed him....

Check in tomorrow for the continuing story of "Love In The Moment".

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