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I hope you enjoyed reading Skye and the City, and if you did, I really hope you consider checking out some of my other stories! Here's a selection below:


If you like:

A) forced proximity?
B) second chance romance?
C) road trips?
D) Scotland?
E) funny lines and some sexy times?
F) Some noughties flashbacks?
G) all of the above?

Then this book could be for you. Also, Owen Sullivan is probably my favourite hero I've ever created (and I literally do fall in love with pretty much every single one of my heroes, so that's saying something!).


Enemies-to-lovers with a bit of fake dating thrown in, and a lot of annoying ex to add some additional drama. Rom-com: heavy on both romance and comedy. Somehow won an Amby earlier this year. Still not quite sure how that happened . . .


Second chance romance set in a hotel in the Highlands. The two main characters, Iona and Ryan, are forced to work together after their will-they-won't-they friendship imploded at prom night seventeen years before. You can expect a lot of romantic tension, as well as (yay!) many 90s flashbacks, some of which may have been slightly inspired by my own teenage years back then. You've actually already met some of the characters and visited the village in Skye and the City!

(And there's even a companion novella available if you want to hear Ryan's side of the story!)


If you fancy something that's not set in Scotland - maybe something to put you in a summer holiday sort of mood? - then this could be the story for you! Set on the Greek island of Kefalonia, it's the ultimate in holiday romances! And it was also my first attempt at writing from both the female and male perspective.


Another dual perspective story, this one follows a group of friends partaking in a Glasgow tradition - the subcrawl! Socially anxious Chloe has been dreading it, especially as her ex is meant to be bringing his new girlfriend. But perhaps gorgeous Irishman Liam could provide a distraction - if she can ever admit to herself that she actually likes him!


Okay, so at the time of writing, it's only May . . .but my  boyfriend's aunt did start talking about Christmas the other day so maybe some folk might be in the mood for festive stories at this time of year? This is a magical little novella (only twelve chapters) which combines A Christmas Carol, The Snowman, and my usual romcom sensibilities . . . But it could put you in the Christmas spirit a little too early?

Anyway, that's enough from me for now. I'm away to recover from a mighty writing hangover for a few weeks!

 I'm away to recover from a mighty writing hangover for a few weeks!

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