Chapter 23

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A very short taxi ride later, we're in my flat, and I'm closing the door to my bedroom, glad that I tidied up the previous night when I thought there was a chance I might get laid then! 

"So . . ." Ross moves closer to me, now seeming a little bit shy. A far different person from the guy in the cab who had kissed me like there was no tomorrow. He chuckles awkwardly. "I'm all nervous all of a sudden."

"Me too," I admit. "I'm also worried you might think I'm going to be an absolute demon in bed because I referenced too many porn stars when we first met."

His smile really does light up the room. "That hadn't even occurred to me, actually." He grabs one of my hands and pulls me towards him, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Let's just take our time and try not to overthink everything," he adds before dropping his lips to my neck, confidence apparently restored.

"That . . . Sounds like a plan," I say weakly, my nerve endings bursting into life at the gentle scrape of his stubble against my sensitive skin. A tiny gasp escapes my lips, and he laughs again before capturing my mouth with his own. He tastes of sweetness and desire, and I feel dizzy with want as he lowers me down on the bed.

He really is a master of kissing. He could even give lessons in it. I don't want him to, obviously, because that might mean he would have to kiss other people, and if I have my way, he's never going to get to kiss anyone else ever again. His lips are insistent and eager, and he only pulls away to yank my top over my head.

Or he tries to. One of my sleeves gets caught on my bracelet, of course, and we dissolve temporarily into laughter.

"I'm sorry; I'm such a disaster," I groan, fiddling with my jewellery and eventually managing to unsnag my t-shirt. "And I didn't even wear my good underwear!" I add, looking despairingly down at my plain black bra. I obviously hadn't been planning to sleep with Jay, and I certainly hadn't anticipated that Ross would end up here tonight.

"It's okay. I'm getting used to the madness," Ross grins, already circling his hands behind me to expertly unhook said bra. "And, to be perfectly honest, I'm more interested in seeing what's underneath your underwear." As if to prove his own point, his gaze grows appreciative as he tosses the bra to one side, and I moan as his mouth moves to my breasts. I run my hand through the soft hairs on the back of his neck to pull him nearer, and he growls quietly against me, the vibration of his lips alone doing terribly wicked things to my insides. As his tongue traces a delicate pattern around one of my nipples, his hands lightly skate down my stomach, carefully unbuttoning my denim skirt and pulling down the zipper. I bite my bottom lip in anticipation, my head tilting back as I feel a finger slide underneath my knickers, briefly dipping inside me.

"Tell me what you want," Ross says softly, raising his head to gaze into my eyes. His cheeks are flushed, and the sunlit forest has vacated his irises, leaving midnight in its place. And he's never looked as bloody attractive than he does in this moment, hovering over me, the tiniest hint of demand in his tone.

"You," I bite out, my breathing shallow. "I just want you, Ross. Naked, preferably."

He smirks, pulling back to chuck his own clothes to the side. Good lord. "You'd be the best nude model," I blurt out without thinking, blushing furiously as he laughs. And before I can start beating myself up emotionally, his lips are on mine once more, and any intrusive thoughts float away.

As he curves a finger back inside me, lust sweeps over me like a wave, consuming me. I'm drowning, and it's scary but exhilarating at the same time. As he touches me, pressure builds inside like the prelude to a storm, darkening my vision and turning everything around me hazy, and when I finally completely lose my mind, I realise he's stopped kissing me in order to watch me fall apart, delighted fascination in his eyes.

"That," he says quietly, "was one of the hottest things I've ever witnessed."

I know I'm blushing again as I reach over towards my bedside table. "Shut up and take this condom," I order, and he shoots me a mock salute.

"With pleasure." And within moments, he's moving inside me, his breath harsh.

"I'm not going to last long," he hisses into my ear. "Not this time anyway. I'm too fucking turned on right now."

I wrap my legs around him, pulling him into me further. "I don't care," I whisper back. This is already way better than it ever was with Eddie. Ross somehow already instinctively knows what I need, fits me perfectly, fills me completely. And yeah, okay, he's right that he comes in about thirty seconds, but he makes sure his follow-up performance lasts far longer . . . And also ensures I get a second orgasm.

He's a keeper.

Later, while we're wrapped around each other and working our way through a tray of Ferrero Rocher chocolates I found in a box I hadn't finished unpacking, I fill in the details of what actually happened with Jay. I obviously make it clear that I had already chose Ross way before the revelations about Eddie came out. I don't want there to be any confusion over that.

"Your ex really is a prick," Ross observes, pulling me closer and brushing the lightest of kisses against my cheek. "Although his loss is definitely my gain."

"I'm glad he's no longer in my life, that's for sure," I giggle. "I can't believe I spent so many years of my life thinking he was the man Granny Annie saw in her vision."

"Can I tell you something kinda embarrassing?" Ross hesitates before he goes on. "I was a bit . . . Hurt that you didn't even seem to consider the idea that I could be the guy from the vision." 

"You were?" I twist to look him full in the face and he nods, handsome face completely serious. "But . . . You don't believe in that sort of stuff, do you?"

"No," he admits. "But you clearly do. So it did smart a bit."

"Honestly, Ross, the reason I didn't consider you was because I'd already decided the visions were likely just bullshit . . . And that actually Jay's purpose had probably been to lead me to Glasgow so I could meet you," I confess. "But actually, now I come to think of it, you did pretty much appear out of nowhere - twice! So maybe you are the vision guy." 

And there's that smile again. It never fails to warm my heart and bring those butterflies fluttering back. He somehow manages to flip himself over so he's on top of me again, hands roaming over my body as he kisses me and, as he prepares to slide inside me again, Granny Annie is well and truly forgotten.

And thank goodness for that, because you definitely don't want to be thinking about your grandmother while you're doing it!

So that's the penultimate chapter of Skye and the City done and dusted, and I really hope you enjoyed it! I'm aiming to get the final chapter written and posted no later than Wednesday, and then I can breathe a sigh of relief as I mark it as compl...

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So that's the penultimate chapter of Skye and the City done and dusted, and I really hope you enjoyed it! I'm aiming to get the final chapter written and posted no later than Wednesday, and then I can breathe a sigh of relief as I mark it as complete in time for my holiday.

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