Chapter 21

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Imagine you're me.

And there are two mystery guys in your life.

Except neither of them are a mystery anymore. 

What do I do?

The following evening, with Orlagh accompanying me in her role as wingwoman, I nervously make my way into a trendy bar just off Byres Road.

Turns out Jay's pub was only a 15-minute walk from my flat this whole time. We probably would have found it eventually, had we stuck to our treasure hunt.

I'm not just nervous right now, by the way. I'm reluctant. And I'm resentful. Because the only reason I'm even doing this is because Ross fecking Macallister told me to do it!

Actually, "told me" is a bit strong. Let's just say he gently suggested it might be a good idea to seek Jay out. "I really like you, Skye," he'd said quietly last night, regret clear in his eyes. "But maybe you need to go and see this guy; find out if you still have that spark with him."

I attempted to protest, tried to say I didn't actually want to meet Jay now that I'd met him, but Ross was pretty determined. "Look, if I hadn't recognised him from the bar that I used to go to all the time, fair enough. But in this case, I know where you can find him, and I think you need to at least explore this first."

I'd felt tears threaten at that point. "But what about us?" I'd asked him. "How can you want me to do this if you like me as much as you say?"

Ross had dragged a hand down his face, sighing. "Self preservation, I guess. I'd rather you knew for sure he wasn't an option before we take things any further." He smiled, but it was forced, and that ripped ever-so-slightly at my heart. "And if it does turn out you like him better, then it would be better for me to step aside now."

So I really felt like I had no choice. If I wanted anything further to happen with Ross, I needed to officially rule out Jay first.

And deep down, I know Ross was probably right. 

The arsehole.

(I don't really mean that.)

"So we'll just play it cool, scope out the place and see if we can spot him," Orlagh murmurs in my ear as she guides me to an empty table in the corner after buying us each a wine. The bar is loud and seems to be full of student types, which makes sense given its close proximity to the University of Glasgow.

"Maybe he doesn't work here anymore," I argue, almost hopefully. "Or maybe it's his night off."

At the same time, though, I realise I'm starting to feel a tug of excitement in my stomach at the thought of potentially seeing Jay again. Despite myself, my heart is betraying me. 

And then, as if my brain has conjured him up into reality, I spot him.

He's suddenly behind the bar, preoccupied with pulling a pint, and I gasp at the sight of his face - so familiar and yet not at the same time. He looks almost exactly how I remembered, although maybe I had imagined the glow around him at the time. I do have a flare for the dramatic at times. But he's handsome and radiates friendliness even from the opposite side of the room. 

"It's him," I tell Orlagh in an awed whisper, my arm unconsciously rising in the air to point towards him. 

And, of course, it's while I'm in the middle of my deranged E.T. impersonation, that Jay looks up and spots me. 

Surprise flickers briefly across his face, and I think he mouths my name. At this point, tunnel vision hits, and everything around me blurs except him as I watch him push the pint towards the patron who ordered it and walk towards me. I vaguely hear Orlagh murmur "good luck" before she wisely melts away into the background, although her voice sounds like it's coming from very far away and possibly underwater. I take a desperate gulp of my wine as he approaches.

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