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-Human Tracker Pov-

I was kneel held down by SlenderMan's lackeys as I looked up at him himself.

S-I have only kept you the way you were for one specific reason. And that is to find the human girl.

He showed me a picture of her and she was gorgeous.

S-you get me her and you can get whatever it is you want, I will grant u whatever u desire

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S-you get me her and you can get whatever it is you want, I will grant u whatever u desire.

?-fine...I want out.

S-thats what u want then fine.


S-here are some armor just in case.

He tossed me a gun and a long blade.

S-that blade is made for Slenders only, it will kill them instantly. The gun is for anything and anyone. Now go get me the girl.

I nodded and I yanked away from his lackeys going out the door.

I sighed. Making my way down to the house the slender girls said that she was staying. I will make my way to her from there.


-Y/n Pov-

I couldn't walk anymore I was already tired and I asked Ginger or Red could they carry me and they told me no.

I groaned.

It feels like we have been walking for hours. My mom house wasnt this far, or thats what I know.

After a while I seen the area we were at and there it was up ahead, was my mom's house.

Y-I see it, we aren't far.

G-says the one who has been complaining.


I shook my head not saying anything else. Soon we were face to face with the house

All of a sudden I felt myself feeling empty all over again

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All of a sudden I felt myself feeling empty all over again.

I took a deep breath and I walked up the stairs. I opened the door slowly.

R-we will check to see if there is any Slenders here.


G-I mean she should be find she has powers.

She says sarcastically

R-yeah but she doesn't know how to control them nor does she knows how they work, so us Slenders are still powerful then she is. So can we get going.

They went inside and I followed behind them.

As I looked around everything looked the exact same, just abandoned.

I went upstairs to my mom and dads room and I looked thru there things but nothing.

So I checked in their office and I seen old documents.

Y-what is this?

I read them and most of them were about viruses. So I looked thru the their file cabinet. I grabbed some files and as I am reading my eyes widened.

There is no way.

My mom and dad worked with other scientists. But that's not what made me do that, it's the fact that my mom and dad were shooting me with syringes. The serum was giving me these telekinesis abilities. I looked at the other file and it explained the telekinesis.

Subject : Y/n Sanchez

Age: 8

The Ability Of Telekinesis:

1. Moving objects

2. Changing the shape of objects (this includes melting or bending metal)
influencing events.

3. Healing.

4. Teleportation (disappearing and reappearing in a different place)

5. Traveling through objects, like a wall.

6. Changing an object into something else.

I couldn't believe what I was reading, did they really love me. Did they know this was going to happen. I am really at loss for words.

I began to look through everything else and I found out that they were playing to use me as a weapon against every single war crime.

Y-this is sick.

R-what is?

I turned around and I looked at Red and Ginger as they were in their human form.

Y-I really am not going to get used to that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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