~ part 11 ~

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Kook : no matter what people say I will be a doctor ..... If I have to go to the very end for this then also i will go . I will fight for my dream . I know I am weak but I will prove them wrong one day .

Story starting .

Next day .

Kook was getting ready for school . He have no mood to go school as he completed his project in whole night so he couldn't sleep .

Kook : i am feeling too much tired . But I have to go as today is the project submission day . I hope today Jack would not do anything . I am really tired I can't handle more .

Kook sighed .

But he don't know that he don't have to face jack anymore .

After getting ready he went to downstairs for breakfast .

Kook : good morning hyungs !

Namjin : good morning .

Kook sat on chair .

Namjoon : your project completed ?

Kook ( tiredly ) : yes hyung .

Jin : and what we said yesterday . Remember that .

Kook stopped eating .

Kook ( firmly ) : hyung i always hear all yours words but this time I can't.... sorry . I want to be a doctor and i will be a doctor . And no one can change this .

Namjoon ( scold ) : how you are talking to hyung ?

Jin ( sarcastically ) : leave it joon.  Now he grown up so he forgets to give respect . Though what I can expect from a brat .

Kook looked towards Jin with hurt eyes .

Kook left from there to school . He didn't even ate properly .

While going .

Kook : they can say anything but if I protest then it's my fault . I am brat . Hyungs does not loves me anymore . From childhood I say that I will be doctor they used to support me too but now they say that I can't do it. 

Tears started to fall from his eyes .

Kook : why everyone change with time ?

He wiped his tears .

On the other side .

At airport .

Suga was waiting for someone .

Suddenly someone came and hugged him .

?? : how are you my friend ?

Suga : oh hobi ! You just scared me .

Let's introduce

Let's introduce__________________

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